The Three Laws of Gracial Power Physical / Metaphysical Law in AMBIT | World Anvil
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The Three Laws of Gracial Power

An explanation of Grace power and the rules that dictate it.

Freya refused to allow her population of humanity to slip into the mistakes of the past, and wished to give them a better life. As such, she bestowed her gracious gifts upon much of humanity, so that they may lead their new world into prosperity and health. But Freya knew humans, and knew that such power could create an imbalance of power. As such, she imposed three rules:  
  1. No gift given in Freya's good grace may be used to directly harm another.

    In explanation: Freya's gifts shall not be used for the harm of another human. Any use of Grace power with the direct intent to harm another human will cause the power to fail. Should a Grace create or manipulate an object that, at a later time, harms another with no outside assistance, the created/manipulated object shall be treated as though it has not directly harmed another human.   For example, should a firesnap light a campfire for warmth that, at a later time, a person falls into, this will not fall under the protection of the First Law, as the firesnap did not intend their power to harm another. The person will be burned.   Should, in the same situation, said firesnap grapples and fights with the other person, and knocks them into the campfire. This, too, would not fall under the jurisdiction of the First Law, as the true intention of the firesnap was to light the fire for warmth. Only later did the intention to harm another come into play, and the firesnap did not use their power to directly harm the other, but rather they used the fire that had already been started for some time. The person will be burned.   Should the firesnap know that when their compatriate returns from hunting for their lunch, they intend to attack and push them into the fire, the fire will not light. Only a firesnap with true intentions free of harming another may use their power to create that fire. No fire will be created.
  3. Those receiving of her grace shall receive one gift; to create, to control, and to manipulate are separate gifts.

    In explanation: many worldly elements that Freyan power can control fall into several aspects. A Grace's power may only fall into a single category: the creation of said element, the grand control of said element, or the precise manipulation of said element.   A firesnap can create a flame and initially control its magnitude, but only at the moment of creation. A firedancer can take flame (either from an existing fire like a campfire, or from a firesnap's hands) and control its direction and magnitude. Here we see the creation and manipulation of fire, but neither Grace can perform both actions.   A waterflier has the ability to manipulate water so precisely, it flies through the air at the whim of the Grace. However, this precision comes at the cost of having no control over water en masse. Conversely, a tidepullers cannot manipulate water, but rather can push and pull great amounts of it.
  5. Equal and opposite powers will work against one another to keep balance in the world.

    In explanation: there shall always be an equal distribution of power. Every Grace power has its natural opposite in terms of sheer power, and these opposites shall always equal one another in number.   This power dips and swells in the Freyan Cycle. Every several centuries, Freyan power distributes itself evenly, giving smaller amounts of power to more of humanity. As the cycle continues, the same amount of power concentrates in fewer people, causing for fewer Graces - but those that have power have much greater amounts of it.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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Cover image: Grand Armillary by Emilio Grasso


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