Nicker in Amanor | World Anvil


Nickers are reclusive fey that dwell in the darkest and wildest of forests. Their vaguely humanoid figures are short and slumped, shrouded in clothes and talismans made from natural materials, long strands of unkempt hair flowing behind them like cloaks, twigs sprouting from their heads and backs.   Their seemingly enfeebled appearance belittles their deadliness, for they are mighty sorcerers each and every one. Nickers not only wield nasty magics but are also adept at alchemy, enchantment and other such arcane arts. They like to lay traps for mortals with cursed magical items and enchanted talismans scattered about the woods.   Folk tales describe nickers as devious stealers of children -- not to raise as changelings but to eat. Nickers indeed have voracious appetites for flesh, and will make meals of anyone foolish enough to enter their dark domains, whether adults or children.   Nickers most often live in groups of 3-5 individuals. Mortals often think of nickers as evil witches and name their groups covens, but in truth nickers are just as likely to be male as female. Learned scholars suspect that groups of nickers function most often like families.  
näkki, nykr, neck, necker, fey hag, forest hag   PHYSICAL INFORMATION
Average height
1.4-1.6 meters
Average physique
Slouched, short and broad, muscular but plump.
Body tint, color and markings
Dark skin in hues of green, brown and grey.
Special characteristics
Bodies of nickers often have weird, natural growths, e.g. twigs, plants, bark or horns.
Perception and senses
Exceptionally highly tuned senses. Ability to sense magical auras, planar portals, positive and negative energy as well as the presence of primordial entities.  
Reproduction and birth
As eternals nickers are not born biologically.
Growth rate and stages
Mortality and death
When a nicker dies violently, their body turns from flesh into plants and earth, like a living statue made of vines, branches, flowers and other such vegetation. This transformation takes only a few seconds.   ECOLOGY
Origin or ancestry
Scattered across the universe, with the biggest population in Tír-na-nÓg.
Most environments with unspoiled natural terrain. Prefer forests.
Nickers are somewhat rare, even for fey.
Below: When nickers stray close to civilization, peasants would do well to lock their doors tight.   Below: Nickers are infamous eaters of lost children. But who knows the truth behind such superstitions?

Cover image: by ApricotKnight


Author's Notes

Nickers are kind of a replacement for the hag monster of D&D. It's a bugbear of mine that the word hag -- which has many meanings -- is the name of a (hideous) monster.   Nickers are kind of a cross between hags and trolls and forest witches. They aren't necessarily as evil as hags are in D&D -- at least not all of them are. The name näkki comes from Finnish -- a näkki is a kind of water spirit.

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