Eternals in Amanor
Man is audacious, for he claims that his great words and great deeds can live on forever. Man is foolish, for his limited mind cannot truly grasp the nature of eternity. Man is bold, for he thinks to bargain with his betters on an even ground. Man is doomed, for he can never reach an existence so pure and singular as the hallowed Eternals.
— Fundamentals of the Empyrean
  Eternals are magical creatures whose bodies do not age. They will never die of old age, but the passage of time leaves its mark on their minds and souls all the same. To mortals, eternals often seem mysterious, elusive, and alien -- their actions dictated by such a timeless perspective on the world that their motivations can seem indecipherable if not even irrational.   There are several species of eternals in the Universe but not all of them are encountered on Amanor. Most species of eternals were born from Pandora's Box when the artifact was created and opened by the Empyreal Gods. Some eternals were permitted to dwell on Amanor, while most were confined to remain outside it.  

Navigate in Eternals



Celestials are lawful eternals that have forged for themselves a cosmic empire.


Demons are chaotic eternals confined to the infernal realms of the Nine Hells.


Elementals are matter given life, infused with primordial magic and untameable in nature.


Fey are ageless but child-minded dwellers of the natural world.


The gods themselves and their divine creations are known as the Primordials.


Undead are an unnatural and unholy group of eternals, created by the taint of negative energy.

Cover image: by CraniumBeaver