Grail Item in Amanor | World Anvil


The Grail is an artifact that allows the energy of Life to flow into the Universe from the Living Infinite. Without the Grail the cosmos would be barren, bereft of both flora and fauna. The Grail is also able to tap directly into the lifeforce of the Living Infinite, functioning as an endless source of healing energy.   The Grail is also known as the Progenitor Relic of Life. The six Progenitor Relics are mysterious artifacts of immeasurable power that predate the creation of the Universe, their mere existence being the cause for the six Laws of Creation that define the very nature of reality. Since the creation of the universe by the Empyreal Gods, the Grail has belonged to Seldariel, the Goddess of Life.  
Mythic artifact, Progenitor Relic  
Other names
Holy Grail, Chalice of Life
Associated law of creation
Associated Creation Engine
Pandora's Box
The Progenitors
Current owner


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