Herla (The Forgotten) (V) Condition in Alvez | World Anvil
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Herla (The Forgotten) (V)

Transmission & Vectors

Herla are created by prolonged exposure to the veil, the world between worlds, a featureless nothing free from both the experienced time of Kairos and the measured time of Chronos. As time has no meaning, the amount of exposure required is impossible to predict or measure. All that matters is that the shade is forgotten by all, even themselves.


Herla are created when mortals are lost to the Feth Fiada between Faerie and Bedouar, doomed to wander aimlessly and endlessly through the featureless white mists. While this can happen anywhere, it is especially common in some particularly dangerous areas where the tear between worlds was less clean or otherwise tainted, such as the Goat Broceliande's Val Sans Retour or the Palace of Poitier's Hall of Lost Footsteps.


Upon finding themselves in the Feth Fiada, a victim loses track of all time and distance, trudging onwards through the mists without destination, and endless wandering journey. They forget their departure point, their destination, their companions and eventually themselves, becoming grey hollowed husks with blank, unseeing stares wandering forever.


A would be victim can be pulled out of the Feth Fiada and restored to life with the directed speaking of their true name, although this is rare, as it likely has been forgotten by all over the endless eons, leading to the condition in the first place.


Most Herla wander truly endlessly, shuffling shades without destination or distraction. Some break free into Bedouar, only to turn to dust as centuries pass in an instant as time catches up to them. Others are consumed by the Isfont, the impossible non-things of the void between worlds. Most do not notice or care to free a Herla, especially the Herla themselves, oblivious to all but the featureless path forward.


While many Fae and Kontamment can pass through the veil with relative ease, mortals are less able to navigate between worlds. A mortal finding themselves in Faerie is often given an Ere-hud under the Hospitality of their hosts that will grant them safe passage back home, protected from the ravages of time, but if the conditions are never met, the guest may wander the veil endlessly, becoming Herla.


Cases are almost always on an individual level, although it is not unheard of for a hunting party or even an army to become lost in the mists, a legion of the damned. It is this that makes a mortal invasion of Faerie so difficult.


The Herla are named after Albian High King Herla, a powerful clan leader. While out hunting, he saves the life of a Korrigan nobleman and the two make a pact to attend each other's weddings and part ways as friends. King Herla soon married, the Korrigan bringing a vast host, laden with astounding gifts, sumptuous food and unparalleled entertainment, to the amazement and awe of the King's guests. A year later, Herla is summoned to the Korrigan's wedding and, with a small retinue and carefully selected gifts, sets off to a chasm in a mountain, arriving in a realm of winter lit only by lamps. A great feast occurs and after 3 days Herla bids adieu to his host. As a last gift, the Korrigan gives the King a small dog to ride on his lap, explaining to not dismount his horse until the dog leaps down. Herla acknowledges and sets off through the mists, arriving to find that 300 years have passed, his kingdom destroyed and the great Empire of Remus fallen. Angered at the news, one of his retinue leaps off his horse, crumbling to bones and dust in an instant. The dog never alighted from his perch and Herla was left to wander, a forgotten king of a forgotten people.

Cultural Reception

Herla are often considered by Bediz to be the souls of the dead (true in a sense) or part of the Sidhe Courts (completely false). The Church condemns Herla as sinners, claiming it is the result for those who trust the Fae.   The Druids take a more measured approach, warning of the dangers of traversing the veil for the uninitiated.   Many consider the Herla as the harbringers of plague and death. While the Herla typically manifest in Bedouar in times of Bleed, they are a symptom, not the cause.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


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