Gwiader - The Weavers Species in Alvez | World Anvil
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Gwiader - The Weavers

Basic Information


Gwiader are a tauric people. From the waist down, Gwiader resemble giant orb-weaving spiders, beginning with a cephalothorax and a large abdomen, which may either be spherical or elongated and ovular. Connected to their cephalothorax are eight long, segmented legs. Despite rumors to the contrary belief, Gwiader possess only vestigial spinnerets.   From the waist up, Gwiader resemble Tuatha de Danaan, possessing humanoid features and morphology. They have large pointed ears, oriented horizontally. Gwiader have long, slender limbs, ending with four fingers and an opposable thumb on each hand. These fingers are longer than those of the Eladan and tipped with points.

Genetics and Reproduction

Natural Reproduction

  Like most fae, Gwiader have a slow reproductive cycle and natural birth is incredibly rare, with clutches typically consisting of one to three eggs. These eggs, stored within a silkhenge, are natural gathering points for the hud that flows through the system and nourishes them. This buildup of magic makes them ripe for exploitation and Gwiader have become exceptionally protective of their eggs, hiding them with layers of glamour and wards within their silkhenges, in addition to physical defenses. The protection of the eggs falls on the Abbess of Months, with the additional protection of the other members of the cluster when possible.  


  The Gwiader face twin threats to their existence: a remarkably low birth rate and the Rule of 9, which greatly degrades the magic of a Gwiader cluster and saddles them with large amounts of negative Dle, inviting chaos and destruction the longer a position remains vacant. To combat this violation of ere-hud and propagate the Tuath, the Gwiader have developed an alternative methodology, the Seizroad, a complex ritual resulting in the transformation of another creature into a Gwiader. The Seizroad was discovered by accident, when a would-be egg-thief became entangled deep in the webs of a silkhenge and ended up on the receiving end of the massive amounts of energy flowing through the complex. The process has since been refined and implemented by the Gwiader across Alvez.   To initiate as Seizroad, a recipient must be restrained, most commonly with a woven coccoon of Gwiader-enhanced crystalsilk, which directs and contains the flow of transformative hud in close proximity to their body. Additionally, regardless of a subject's willingness to undergo the ritual, the process often trigger intense muscle spasms, and the cocoon serves to protect the recipient, the caster and the casting site from resulting damage.   The Gwiader begins the ritual by weaving an abstract representation of the fis of the subject, before slowly and gradually manipulating the strands to alter the nature of this aspect.   weaves a subtle, but potent huderezh on the fis of the individual, represented by an abstract weave of webbing, slowly and gradually manipulating the strands to alter the nature of this underlying aspect. The subject typically experiences vivid visual and auditory hallucinations, typically coloured by their previous relationship to the Gwiader. During these hallucinations, subject's point of view will become muddled, with them increasingly identifying in the role of the Gwiader. This aspect of the ritual helps adjust the subject to the form they will take, allowing for movement on new limbs, an rudimentary understanding of Gwiader Huderezh and mitigating body dysmorphia.   While the Fis is rewoven, the massive amounts of hud, filtered and influenced by Gwiader Huderezh pours into the subject,, transforming them physically into Gwiader, gaining additional eyes and pointed ears, in addition to changes to body type, skin tone and hair color. As the changes intensify, the subject grows a rear abdomen and cephalothorax, six legs sprouting from the latter as their original legs are changed to match the new ones. It is possible, in accidental cases, that the physical transformation is not accompanied by the fis reweaving ritual, but the Gwiader seek to avoid this at all opportunities.   Changes to sex and gender will sometimes occur during the Seizroad, with the process slightly favouring female Gwiader.   Once the changes are complete, a transformed subject is able to break free of their silken prison and begin their new life as Gwiader, living as Oblati for 9 cycles.

Growth Rate & Stages

Newborn Gwiader are small, typically around 10 cm, largely defenseless until they grow to full size. Young Gwiader, called Oblati are raised by the cluster for 9 cycles, where they are given the choice to either prepare to take on a role (if any is available) at the cluster, or to set out into the world. The Oblati are not full members of the Cluster, but serve as supporters for the community, setting out into the local area to assist with resource gathering and other chores.   After another 9 cycles, Gwaider reach physical maturity, they join their cluster as full members or become cerf-volant, where they may seek out to found their own cluster, usually becoming the Abbess of Months upon founding. Others continue to wander as cerf-volant   After an additional 9 cycles, Cerf-volant must choose between establishing a cluster or remaining unattached. ----------

Ecology and Habitats

Gwiader prefer to live in enclosed spaces wherever possible, exerting full control over a finite, contained living space as they weave intricate webs of interconnected hud, assisting with their perception and magical control over their domain. Many Gwiader exhibit signs of agoraphobia and choose to remain in their homes as much as possible, but a few are more adventurous and will travel out more regularly.   Gwiader homes are typically naturally formed, like caverns and deep forest, but others will live inside built structures where possible. Gwiader prefer enclosed spaces, but will also seek out large rooms or complexes of rooms to weave more intricate webs. Gwiader sleep suspended from the ceiling in sheltered corners, sectioning off different parts of their living space for different activities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gwiader do not eat physical food, but instead consume Foyson, errant strands of magical energy plucked from the air with their webs of Hud. They prefer gathering these strands rather than draining the foyson directly from discrete entities.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Gwiader are reclusive by nature, preferring their own company to crowded living situations. This simplification obscures a more complex reality concerning the unique communties formed among the Gwiader and with their neighbors. Gwiader exist as both Trouping and Solitary Fae. The former join into tight-knit semi-religious communities called Clusters, weaving powerful webs of Huderezh to carry out extensive magical workings. Solitary Gwiader are not associated with a Cluster, and either live in isolation as hermits or within a larger community of other Tuath.  

Gwiader Clusters

  While individual Gwiader choose to live alone, exerting more personal control over their habitat, they are actually part of a larger community, largely unnoticed by outsiders, a subtle but complex network of interpersonal relationships and logistical planning. Gwiader live in clusters, distant, but connected communities within a geographic area, such as a town, river valley or archipelago. These clusters, consisting of 9 individuals, are arranged in a wheel-like pattern, with each entity connected to three others along the circumference and spoke-like diameter by magical leylines, with a locus point in the spiritual center of the pattern. These leylines along for the casting and strengthening of sympathetic spellcraft, allowing for greater weaving and Huderezh. These cluster networks vary in size and complexity, from a city square to an entire river valley. In the center of the communities, hidden in a pocket of Faerie, is a communal construction called a Silkhenge.   Gwiader parents are highly protective of the Oblati, with the entire cluster placing their defense and recovery at the highest priority. As a result, the bond between oblati and their caregivers is incredibly strong.  

The Abbess of Months

The hermetic lifestyle of the Gwiader has been compared to that of a druids circle or monastic enclave, with individuals working for a common goal of magical and spiritual enlightenment. Each individuals efforts bolster those of the others. The ninth member of the cluster, tasked with maintaining the silkhenge itself, is the de-facto leader of the group, often titled "the Abbess of Months" The Abbess is typically the most powerful and ancient of the clusters, and is responsible for the direction of larger projects and the cohesion of the cluster. The Abbess is usually female-presenting, but it is not unheard of for a male-presenting individual to reach this position in rare occurrences.  

The Cerf-Volant

Gwiader clusters are circles of eight individuals, plus the Abbess of Months, existing in a constant balance. When another Gwiader seeks to join a circle, they may only do so if a position is vacant. If it is not, they must continue onwards unless another member of the cluster leaves of their own accord. These errant individuals are commonly titled as "cerf-volant" and their wanderings to found or join a new cluster is spoken of as "going-a-kiting". Cerf-Volant are the primary actors of spreading Gwiader geographically, creating new clusters or replenishing broken circles. This allows the Gwiader to create and maintain their society, spreading their knowledge and acquiring new techniques, contacts and resources. Sometimes, new clusters remain in close association with their parent cluster. Cerf-Volant often learn their calling during this period of kiting, interacting with other Tuath and acquiring new knowledge to help their fledgling cluster.   Immature Gwiader, incapable of establishing their own role in a cluster, are an exception to this, but once they reach the level of power of a mature individual, they are expected to take their role in the existing or new cluster immediately.  

Solitary Gwiader

  Not all cerf-volant choose to join a cluster, instead becoming solitary Fae. While to some, this entails a life of hermetic isolation, others become part of the larger community, sometime with other Gwiader, but most commonly as part of a more diverse community of peoples of many Tuath. While they are still capable of weaving their intangible webs of hud, by living apart from a cluster, they are unable to draw on the massive energies of a loci and are considerably magically weaker than their clustered kin. Solitary Gwiader typically work in textiles and construction, with others associating with the guilds. Solitary Gwiader still try to maintain a personal space, rejecting communal living for a quiet private room whenever possible.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Gwiader do not produce actual silk, but rather strands of magical, typically intangible hud hung in web-like patterns in the air. Through great effort, however, they can weave these strands into a tangible form, typically with the assistance of trained Crystalsilk Spiders. Gwiader-strand crystalsilk is highly sought after as an enchanted textile, even more prized than cloth of gold. Beautiful, magically enhanced and stronger than steel, Gwiader-woven textiles and cloth goods are worn by high ranking Sidhe.   Gwiader eggs are exceptionally rare, but the hud that flows through them results in a massive buildup of Druidecht, elemental magic, making them sought after by both alchemists and arkanists.

Facial characteristics

Gwiader faces are typically humanoid, similar to the Eladan, with a few notable exceptions. Most notably, Gwiader have three sets of eyes, usually of solid colors without visible pupils or irises. The largest set of eyes are located in typical humanoid placement and size, while two sets of smaller eyes are located above them in two rows. Gwiader do not possess eyebrows. Sometimes, but not always, Gwiader have sharp teeth or pronounced lower fangs.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Like their Sidhe cousins, Gwiader arrived on Emain Ablach, but diverged from the Tuatha de Danaan some time after landing. They spread across the Fortunate Isles before making landfall on the Continent in the Biskonti Leon. Gwiader clusters spread, slowly but constantly, Southwards and Eastwards, reaching even the Forest of the Erlking and the fishing villages on the edge of The Graves, even in the snow-covered mountains of Fjallkonan.

Average Intelligence

Gwiader often carry themselves as hermits and mystics, engulfed by their magical studies and the search for greater mysteries, gaining them a reputation as scholars and researchers. Their prolonged isolation often leads to them having less developed social intelligence than trouping Fae. They have keen, insightful minds, capable of elaborate planning and foresight, as well as strong recall and pattern recognition.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gwiader sight is weaker than many of their Sidhe cousins, although the possess above average senses of hearing and smell. Their true power comes through their manipulation of unseen threads of foyson, strands of glamour woven into an impressive network of magical sensors, sensing subtle vibrations and changes to the energy around them. The more elaborate and intact these webs are, the more powerful the awareness of the Gwiader manipulating the threads.   The upper eyes of the Gwiader can "see" an invisible spectrum of colours, the underlying Foyson of the world, from individual auras to the power of leylines and the Gaoithe Sidhe. Their lower eyes, larger than the others positioned similar to those of other humanoids, see the world as it appears on the visible spectrum.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

To an outsider, the Gwiader appear to be solitary fae, with even the most astute observer seeing little connection beyond the 8 individuals within a clusters. In reality however, each cluster corresponds with an even larger community, spiraling to create a loose, but global network. The largest network in Letha is known as the Acorn cluster.   Some Gwiader clusters have taken on a spiritual or even religious aspect, calling themselves the Weavers of the Wheel, Arianrhod's Children or the Tuatha de Arianrhod, after a Sidhe deity of the moon and night sky.

Gender Ideals

Gwiader females are both larger and more magically powerful than males, and they tend to take leadership positions within their monastic-like clusters, although this is not universal. Males often take on support roles within the community, maintaining weaves to gather foyson and carrying out husbandry of the Crystalsilk spiders, while the females undertake more complex weaves and record astronomical observations. The majority of crystalsilk weaving is carried out by males and is generally considered to be of higher quality.

Average Technological Level

Contrary to a commonly held assumption, Gwiader are neither related, nor psychically connected to Crystalsilk Spiders, but recognize the creatures innate mastery of their silken webwork, using it as inspiration for their own work, as well as using the physical webs to strengthen and augment their own metaphysical weavings. Gwiader will often raise clusters of Crystalsilks, sometimes weaving threads into textiles stronger than steel or selling the excess material to local industries. Crystalsilk domestication was pioneered by the Gwiader, and their influence lasts to this day in the industry.

Common Dress Code

True to their name, the weavers have become renowned for their ability to work with textiles and silks, creating sought after garments of exceptional quality. The Gwiader almost always wear these garments, from tight-fitting doublets to loose, willowy gowns, depending on climate, region and personal preference. Gwiader pride themselves on their dress and strive to maintain their appearance even in the isolation of their homes.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Gwiader have a strong spiritual connection to the goddess Arianrhod, patterning much of their society and weavings off of the moon and constellations of the night sky, They are avid astronomers and keep detailed records in their webs of the passage of the stars across the heavens. As a result of this, Gwiader are often consulted by The Lavigerien Guild, with some individuals and clusters even becoming full members as Arvestourien.  


Silkhenges mimic stone Cromlechs in form, made of glowing silk like foyson, spun with Crystalsilk into a tangible state. Eight spires of this silk, connected with a fence-like pattern between them, surround a larger central spire, a strand connecting each point in the circle with the central edifice. This serves as a locus to gather and focus the energy gathered by the cluster.  

Gréasán na Rúin

The largest silkhenge is located deep in the mountainous ar Goat of Emain Ablach, the Gréasán na Rúin, ('Web of Secrets'). A massive construction to observe the stars, the Gréasán na Rúin is maintained by 9 clusters, working in tandem, each controlling the peak and slope of the eight mountains surrounding the silkhenge and the structure itself. The Abbess of Months for the eight ring clusters carry the rank of Banri Benn, while the central Abbess is treated as Banrí Buiden by the Courts of the Seasons. The Gréasán na Rúin is commonly visited by the Sidhe Lords of all ranks for its beauty, power and knowledge.

Common Taboos

The Rule of Nine

Gwiader clusters are formed with 9 individuals, no more, no less. An cluster, incomplete without its full numbers, or overburdened with additional individuals, is considered unbalanced and must be rectified as soon as possible. These absent or additional individuals act as an imbalance of positive or negative Dle, putting the Gwiader at risk of violating their Ere-Hud or inviting calamity upon themselves. Unattached Gwiader find themselves at such a deficit of Dle that their spellcasting is essentially cut off without tapping into an outside source. As a result, a solitary Gwiader becoming a Similherez is unheard of.  

Cold Iron

As with all Sidhe, Gwiader share a severe allergy to cold iron.


The origins of the Gwiader are lost to history, but their ancestors arrived with the Eladan on Emain Ablach during the voyage of Nemed. At some point, they diverged from their cousins, taking on their current form and setting up small, almost monastic circles of hermitages across the islands mountains. They traveled across the Fortunate Isles, before setting up a small enclave on the Plateau de Leon. These in turn, spun off, creating a larger and larger network of semi-monastic settlements around major leylines.   The Gwiader have occasionally been met with revulsion and sometimes violence by Bediz neighbors for their spider-like appearance, but have never been on the receiving end of a concentrated attack like the Margot/Nathair have experienced. The Gwiader do not concentrate like other trouping fae, and thus attract less attention and organized pushback. However, they are often considered part of the Faerie communities, and maintain strong ties with the Court of Summer and Winter.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Gwiader have a soft spot for children of all tuath, often providing them with gifts, guidance and boons. Those who harm a child under the protection of a Gwiader risks the angry retribution of a powerful Similherez.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
Female Gwiader range from 2 - 2.5 meters, while males are 1.5~2 meters
Average Weight
Female Gwiader range from 80-100 kg , while males range from 60-80 kg.
Average Physique
Gwiader are deceptively strong for their slender frames, but prefer to act when augmented by their potent magical capabilities and talent for elaborate engineering, allowing them to perform great feats of strength or endurance in controlled settings.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The lower, spider-half of the Gwiader varies as dramatically as mundane spiders, ranging from shimmering blacks and browns to elaborate multi-coloured patterns. Blacks, greys, browns and whites are the most common colours, but others are found as well. Gwiader bodies will often resemble the patterns and colouration of local arachnid life. Most Gwiader have ring-like patterns on their segmented legs.   The top half of the Gwiader reflect a wide ranger of skin tones, similar to the Eladan, while also appearing in hues of light blues, greys and reds, along with dark shades of reds and blacks. Hair is greatly varied as well, far beyond the spectrum of the Bediz. While rare, some Gwiadar have elaborate markings, resembling abstract tattoos on their arm, chests and faces.
Geographic Distribution


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