Fest-Noz (Night Festivals) (+) Tradition / Ritual in Alvez | World Anvil
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Fest-Noz (Night Festivals) (+)


Fest-Noz (Night Festivals) are popular throughout Duchy of Breizh and parts of Duchy of Normaundie. They originate from an ancient Druidic tradition of celebrating the harvest and the union between Bedouar and Faerie. As the centuries passed, much of the original meanings were lost as Faerie seemed to drift away and the Southern Church forbid many of the practices associated with the fest-noz, such as kof-a-kof (Couple dances), forcing alternatives to be made, such as dancers being joined by a commonly held handkerchief. However, the traditions continued in parts of Breizh and eventually returned as communal harvest festivals. Food, dancing, music and contests mark these popular events throughout the peninsula.


Nighttime festivals of music and dance, the execution of individual events varies wildly. Generally planned on the local levels, several Counts and Bishops organize larger events at major social gatherings. Areas under the influence of the Southern Church often remove most overt connections with Faerie, but some regions still maintain some respect for the Fae Courts, making small offerings to the local Sidhe and Re Vihan. in the Bro Bagan, local fae populations sometimes join the festivities directly.

Components and tools

Music is a key part of the festival, consisting of several forms of song. Ka ha Diskan is exceptionally popular and engaging, as well as Ka ha Boz (improvised sung compliment).   Entertainment is provided with Baz Yod (games of strength) and Gouren wrestling, as well as small dance competitions,after which small prizes are given out. Sometimes, these dances are performed on new fields needing to be tamped down or the site of a new dirt floor, thus serving a utilitarian function.


Traditionally, Fest-Noz are held following a successful harvest, but they have grown to be associated with other events, such as Hastiludes, Pardons and other religious and civil events.
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