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Draconic Elvish

Draconic Elvish was an ancient creole language born from the need for the first elves to communicate with the previous inhabitants of the world: the dragons. The language thrived until Human arrived to Altaros. Humans had a tendency to breed faster than any other humanoid race, and when they quickly spread all around the world, they became to clash with other species and combat fiercely about the living space. Especially dragons were hunted en masse and the oldest inhabitants of Altaros began to withdrew to places which were difficult for humans to reach, like mountains, caves, and islands. The previous contact with elves slowly dried up and the language naturally died when it fell out of use. The Dragons became the topic of legends and the language, which once was spoken widely widely in elvish communities which had contact with dragons, became a relic of ancient times.
For millennia, the Draconic Elvish was the lingua franca of the world. Nowadays it still has its own place in the hearts of scholars, as most ancient treatises, especially of arcane matter, were written using it.

Writing System

The Draconic Elvish can be written using either the Draconic or Elvish alphabet. There are some conventions how to use them, though, even when the rules are rather lax: certain words, like many concepts and terms, are only written using either, usually the one script which the idea originates from.


The pronunciation of Draconic Elvish is closer to Elvish than Draconic, mainly due the fact that it would be easier to pronounce in humanoid form. The characteristic sharp, guttural consonants of Draconic have softened in Draconic Elvish, even when many are still much sharper than in Elvish in general. They are surprisingly closer to the dark elven (drow) dialect of Elvish spoken in The Underdark. These two developments are independent and have no correlation with each other.
Root Languages


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