Seltik Ethnicity in Alrulan | World Anvil
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The Seltiks are a collection of five human tribes that reside in the frigid cliffs of the Kakas Mountain Range. The harsh cold has turned them into a cummunity of hardened warriors with a strong sense of kinship. As a common Seltik saying goes, "The strength of the flock is the bird, and the strength of the bird is the flock."   The Seltiks live primarily nomadic lifestyles, following the herds of elk, borbeast and banthus through the mountains. They are renowned for their archery skills and tradition of taming and riding Great Ironfeathers.   Seltik culture is centered on the individual's mastery over the will of the ironfeathers, mastery of mind over body, and mastery of the bow, and the cummunity's care for each member. With very little written records, many of the Seltiks' beliefs and customs have been passed down through oral tradition and been lost with time.   They do have one semi-permanent settlement called Telmier’s Nest which serves as their capital city. During the time of Gwen and Lenk's visit, Telmier’s Nest was under the control of the Kakas tribe led by Uzokk Machuga. The other four tribes, the Veran, the Revaldi, the Hepta, and the Sudka, follow the Kakas tribe and together form the Seltik tribe.   Each sub tribe specializes in a specific area of the Seltik lifestyle and shares their skill and knowledge with the other tribes, allowing all to benefit and master the skills that define the Seltik culture.  

The Kakas Tribe

The Kakas tribe is situated between the Twin Peaks in the center and northern areas of the Seltik territory and control Telmier's Nest, the Seltik place of power. They are the largest of the five tribes and pride themselves with their marksmanship with the bow and arrow and their skill at crafting these weapons. They act as the main source of military power, training hundreds of soldiers should they ever come under attack.  

The Veran Tribe

The Veran tribe occupies the south west valley cut by the mighty Edna River. The Veran supply water based goods such as fish and control the majority of internal trade between the tribes and external trade with the other realms. They are expert fishermen and craftsmen. They build all of the specialized tools the tribe needs: hammers, pots, baskets, and saddles to name a few.  

The Revaldi Tribe

The Revaldi tribe controls the wide plains of the East Plateau. The Revaldi are masters of stealth and speed, both on foot and in the air. Their open landscape of the East Plateau has forced them to learn how to move without being seen in order to stalk the large herds of elk and banthus they rely on. The supply most of the meats that feed the tribe, as well as furs and bones for decorative ornaments and rituals.   The mighty banthu are extremely powerful and difficult to kill so the Revaldi Tribe has had to develop a special hunting tactic to take down these large beasts. A troop of five hunters will charge at the herd on their ironfeathers to incite a stampede. Then they will converge on the first banthu to be seperated from the herd, throwing spears and shooting arrows into its sides. The banthus' thick fur and blubber prevent any of the spears or arrows from killing it so the hunters do it just to weaken it. Once the banthu is weak enough, one of the ironfeathers will dive on it, using its talons and beak to bring down the large animal and kill it.  

The Hepta Tribe

The Hepta tribe lives along the high cliffs of the north west. Their high, wind swept land has turned them into the best ironfeather riders, training daily on the steep cliffs and high winds of their home. Their primary contribution to the Seltik Tribes is the carrying of messages over vast and dangerous distances. Their ironfeathers are the fastest in the world and easily fly long distances quickly.  

The Sudka Tribe

The Sudka tribe lives in the densely wooded foothills to the south of the Twin Peaks. The Sudka are expert trackers and navigators from years spent travelling through the thick Murkwood Forest that separates the Seltik’s territory from the outside world. They are large, burly people and as such are tasked with protecting the border. The dense forest is not ideal for flying so the Sudka rely on horses and dogsleds to travel. Every year, a portion of the tribe climbs to the East Plateau to reunite with their ironfeathers and refresh their skills of flying.  

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions:

The Seltiks see themselves as superior to the other realms and want little to do with them. Any stranger found wandering into their borders is immediately taken prisoner. After intense questioning and warnings, they are released outside of the border if they are not perceived as a threat. Should any suspicion exist, the intruder risks life imprisonment and in the worst cases execution. Unless they have direct business with the Seltiks, people generally avoid them if they can help it.   They engage in trade to benefit from the rare commodities they can not get from their cold mountain home like stone jewelry and warm weather crops, however they maintain strict discipline over their indulgence of these goods to maintain their economic independence from the realms. They are fully capable of living off the resources of the mountains without the trade of the other realms.


Shared customary codes and values

Honor is the supreme virtue of the Seltik tribe. Being honest, loyal, brave and skilled bring honor to oneself and their family, while lying, laziness and cowardice bring shame and dishonor. Their pride in their skill and culture often makes them appear vain and arrogant.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Seltiks believe the location of Telmier’s Nest lies on the birthplace of their common ancestor Telmier, the first Seltik man. He formed the scattered peoples into a powerful nation and united them under his benevolent rule, taming the first ironfeather and killing the first Cordric. Before he died he divided the tribe amongst his five sons, Kakas, Veran, Revaldi, Hepta and Sudka, forming the five tribes of Seltika.   Men are expected to become brave and noble warriors with exceptional skill with the bow. They are the primary military leaders and physical laborers of the village.   While women are not expected to become warriors, they must still be able to defend their home and family from any opponent and so are adept with bows and arrows as well as slings. They are expected to be mothers and home leaders.

Coming of Age Rites

Telmier and Limpa Trials:

The right of passage from boyhood into manhood is embodied in the Telmier Trials. For women, this event is called the Limpa Trials, after Telmier’s wife Limpa.   To become a man, Seltik boys must pass the Telmier Trials. These tests assess the boy’s competence with the bow, physical strength, stamina, determination and leadership.   On the boy's 15th birthday, he must travel to the peaks of Mount Kakas and tame a juvenile Ironfeather. This bird will be his steed and constant companion for the rest of his life.   The final and ultimate test is the Hunt. On the boy's 18th birthday, he must take his Ironfeather and go alone to hunt a Borbeast, a large boar that lives deep within the forest. When he brings back the kill, the meat is cooked for the large ceremony where the elders pronounce him a true Seltik man.   To become a woman, Seltik girls must pass the Limpa Trials. These tests assess the girl’s competence with the bow, physical strength, stamina and determination like the Telmier Trials but are less extreme. Instead, they also assess her elegance, craftiness and intellect.   On the girl's 15th birthday, she must travel to the peaks of Mount Kakas and tame a juvenile Ironfeather. This bird will be her steed and constant companion for the rest of her life.

Historical figures

Telmier is considered the father of the Seltik people. He is greatly revered for his bravery, skill, and leadership throughout the five tribes and the role model for every Seltik boy.   Limpa, the wife of Telmier, is remembered for her beauty but also her wisdom and gentleness. She is the role model for all Seltik girls.
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