Borbeast Species in Alrulan | World Anvil
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The Borbeast, called the 'Dra'daka' by the Seltiks, is a large boar that roams the forests and cliffs around the Kakas Mountains. Its large head and shovel shaped snout are used for digging through the underbrush and snow in search of grass, roots, and mushrooms. Its thick skull and neck are also designed to act as a battering ram. When attacking, the borbeast will chrage headlong at its foe, attempting to plow over its attacker and gore them with its tusks.

Borbeasts are an aggresive and generally solitary species. An adult male borbeast controls a territory based on the concentration of food which correlates with a concentration of females. Female borbeasts are fully capable of fighting males so they ignore the markings males place around their territory and come and go as they please.

The dominant male borbeast is identified by their silver-colored face and long tusks, a sign of age and success. Appropriately nicknamed 'silverheads', these males usually control the smallest territory since it is the richest in food and, by consequence, females. This also makes it easier for the silverhead to defend its territory from would be intruders. Silverheads are the most aggresive of all borbeasts and wander alone through the trees, charging at anything that moves.

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