Weilm Meriday Character in Alpha Centauri | World Anvil

Weilm Meriday

His theories were seen as delusional by many renown scientists. Which led him to isolate himself and spiral into a black hole. The last years of his life, he spent alone trying to prove his theories - but without luck. - Thaolin, daughter of Weilm

Life through the years

Memories of his parents came to his mind as he dug trough pictures and documents from their apartment. His mom recently passed away and it was now time for him to go through their stuff so the apartment could be sold. In times like these, a big fine could easily come your way if you didn't find a buyer for your apartment soon after it became available. It wasn't like there were many empty apartments around so people were desperately in need of a place to live.
A smile cracked from his dry lips; a picture of him and his dad looking at the stars through his father's telescope had found its way to Weilms hand. What a lovely memory.

by CatRobi
Childhood hadn't been easy. Parents were working hard for the family to stay in the city, and have the money to pay rent. This left Weilm alone a lot throughout the day, but at the time he didn't mind it much. He used his time alone to read about the universe, and the discoveries human-kind were making daily. He even speculated himself about unresolved mysteries of the universe. He sat in front of his dads' telescope most days, looking at the sky.
Occasionally something new would happen, and he would write it down for later speculation.

Up until he became a young man, he studied physics and other niche parts of the field - like quantum theory and the like. He got a job as a professor at a big university just outside of town, where he gave lectures in understanding physics. But he never stopped searching the universe for answers; answers to the same questions he asked himself when he was a little child dreaming about the night skies.
  You see, he had seen some strange things in his telescope; things he still couldn't explain to this day after years of studying.
Theories had been going for years about dark matter and dark energy, but he never felt satisfied with them. What he had seen so many years ago was indeed peculiar, and he thought it might have to do with the very thing some called dark energy.  

Peculiar events

As a child, Weilm watched the sky through a telescope more than he watched the world with his own eyes. His eyes were always focused looking up.  
The famous theories of his started at a young age when he saw mysterious events happen above him. He loved to follow objects around and calculate their paths, and then check up on them every day. But one of the objects he was following suddenly disappeared while he was laser-focused on it through his telescope.
This, of course, made the young Weilm gasp, and wonder: "Did he just see that or was it a trick of the eye?".  

It became his mission every day to keep an eye on specific objects in the sky and track their positions. Though he watched a couple of thousand objects - with a program he programmed himself - this event never happened again. But he never stopped looking. This is what started the theory. Because even though he never saw the event again himself, he was sure he saw the aftermath many times after that. Objects suddenly appearing on the night sky close to a planet in our solar system, that he hadn't catalogued before. And trust me, he had catalogued everything there was to catalogue. At the age of 27 (the year 2062), he had a program with all the trajectories of the objects in our solar system. And he kept a close eye.

The theory that drove him mad

After being ridiculed from all sides of the world, Weilm stayed inside his house, working and calculating on his theory. He stayed there for years to come, and some say, the theory drove the man mad. He couldn't get a good night's sleep, he didn't care for his well-being, and he forgot the friends and family he had around him. The theory took over his life entirely. His wife Klaudia and daughter Thaolin were worried for Weilm as they saw him deteriorate in front of their eyes.

When he got sick at the age of 62, he finally stopped thinking about his lifes work and focused on the little time he had left with his relatives. Thaolin would be with him every day, until his death just under a year later. Thaolin and her mother Klaudia collected all of his work after his death and packed it away in safe boxes.
  But just a year later, Thaolin found herself looking through the very notes her father had written, to figure out the theory herself. New events were happening and big questions needed answers. No one would've thought she found the foundation for the answer in her father's madly written notes, but she did. This was the start of a new era for humans and everyone had Weilm to thank; the scientist who had gone mad. She then published her findings as a book, both written by her and her dad; The theory of Pathways.


Weilm Meriday

Father (Important)

Towards Thaolin Meriday



Thaolin Meriday

Daughter (Important)

Towards Weilm Meriday



Full name

Weilm Qwen Meriday (Deceased)  


Mother: Meila Wels Meriday (Deceased)
Father: Klern Jamei Meriday (Deceased)
Wife: Klaudia Meriday
Daugther: Thaolin Meriday

Year of Birth

The year 2035  

Year of Death

The year 2098
He lived to be 63 years old.  


Human (Earth)

Important papers

He spent the entirety of his life, dedicated to finding out the truth about our universe.
important papers - Weilm Meriday.png

Released works

Theories of Weilm Meriday: A study of Pathways in our universe.
by CatRobi


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