Standard-Housing-Unit-of-Tyrralorean-Underclass-Lifestyle S.H.U.T.U.Ls
The Standard Housing Unit of Tyrralorean Underclass Lifestyle, otherwise known by its acronym S.H.U.T.U.L or simply "shuttle," is a mass-produced, modular, cost-effective housing solution employed by the four great cities of Tyrralore known for their cheap building costs, durable and rugged nature, and their widely similar appearance. Due to the nature of the Tyrralorean ruling doctrine of the time before the Second Calamity, these housing units were seen as an easy and cost-effective method of providing adequate housing for the lower classes of people living within the cities' slums.
Purpose / Function
The intended and fulfilled purpose of the S.H.U.T.U.L was to provide a means of housing for people living in the poorer or poorest locations of the cities that was cost-effective, easily maintained, and could be easily built upon later if additional units were required. This meant they were usually small, yet effective living quarters suitable for a small family of around four to five individuals.
Numerous alterations exist in previous model specifications, depicting the improvement process of the S.H.U.T.U.Ls as newer methods for their fabrication were devised or additional requirements were sooner or later required.
The entire structure is composed of an environment resilient Veluvium-steel composite box, specifications of which average out to approximately 1,000ft2. Each unit comes with subdivided rooms within to fulfill various purposes, the most prominent of which being general living quarters, a kitchen, a single bathroom, and a storage area.
The S.H.U.T.U.L has long been seen as a symbol of control by the four noble houses of Tyrralore by those forced to live within them. They are said by such peoples to possess the ever watchful eyes of the houses' knights, seeking to destroy any form of rebellion against them. Though, in recent years, with the abolition of the oligarchic technocracy into a council-based monarchic technocracy after the Second Calamity, the S.H.U.T.U.L has been decommissioned and pulled from further production with the existing structures being reclaimed, reduced to usable scrap, and replaced with new housing, particularly of a finer construction to ensure trust in the new monarch is placed well.
Essentially Caerday, Tyrrazel 2, 1 ATE
Essentially Caerday, Tyrrazel 2, 1 ATE
Author's Notes
As with every writing endeavor, I would deeply appreciate constructive feedback, be it in the form of grammar corrections, naming ideas (which I have the most trouble with), or general questions or feedback about the world or anything within it. I thank you for your dedication of time to reading this article.