
(Legacy Content)
Bareshulate is a blue metallic ore, similar though not exact in coloration to Veluvium, found deep beneath mountain ranges in vast ore veins and is the first of the three partner materials in its pairing, alongside Riarshulate and Hiroshulate. Being a partner material, Bareshulate is almost useless on its own, yet its worth when combined with its counterparts Riarshulate and Hiroshulate - with a small amount of Iron as a base - to create Titanoshulate alloys far outweighs the useless nature of the ore on its own.


Material Characteristics

Bareshulate is a blue metallic ore found most commonly under mountain ranges. It has few uses on its own, though its value as a component in Titanoshulate is known to many appraisers.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Bareshulate is a stable metal, with no notable qualities other than its sheer hardness in its ore form, which makes the refined material next to useless in anything other than the production of Titanoshulate.


The most well known compounds that require Bareshulate are Titanoshulate alloys, as Bareshulate is widely renowned for its uselessness in anything but such measures.

Geology & Geography

Bareshulate is found under nearly all mountain ranges, though not typically found in conjunction with its counterparts Riarshulate and Hiroshulate.

Origin & Source

Bareshulate ore is the only method of finding usable material.

History & Usage


The usefulness of Bareshulate - and by proxy the usage of its partner materials - did not become apparent until the mid Alorean First Era, during the golden age, whereby an unbound mixture of the three materials came into contact with an iron rod, fusing to it, and transforming it into Titanoshulate. From there, it was then experimented with and eventually created some of the most ludicrously durable items in existence.


Bareshulate was originally uncovered by the efforts of Aloreans during the Dark Age, the information of which coming with them to the surface during the Reclamation.

Everyday use

Bareshulate is only used in the creation of Titanoshulate. It has been experimented with to discover additional uses, though nothing conclusive has come from such efforts.

Industrial Use

Bareshulate is refined from its ore-state into ingots of the metal, which are then stored in vast quantities until an equal supply of both Riarshulate and Hiroshulate and a supply of Iron arrives to then begin the creation process of Titanoshulate.


Bareshulate is refined from its ore-state like any other metal by being brought to its melting point, removing the material from the slag, and poured into ingot casts, which will air-cool, then put into storage.

Manufacturing & Products

The only item that can be produced from this material is Titanoshulate.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

A sideproduct from the refinement of Bareshulate is assorted slag, which is usually discarded.


Bareshulate does not have any harmful effects during the entire process of collection or refinement.

Environmental Impact

Bareshulate does not harmfully impact the environment, save for the enormous amounts of slag produced from the refinement process of hundreds of tons of the material.

Reusability & Recycling

This material has no use outside of the production of Titanoshulate, which makes it useless to anyone without the means of creating such material.


Trade & Market

Mining firms tend to trade vast quantities of Bareshulate to any willing to buy the material, as it takes relatively small amounts of Bareshulate compared to both Riarshulate and Hiroshulate in the quantities that both are found in to produce Titanoshulate. However, it is also common for such firms to hold onto vast quantities of any two of the materials in case a large quantity of the other is found, thus drastically increasing the selling power.


Bareshulate can be stored in any manner that other stable metals can be stored, both in ingot and ore form.
2.5 Sanctums per pound, despite increases in demand.
Very Common
Bareshulate is odorless.
Bareshulate tastes slightly of Iron.
Bareshulate is a shade of semi-dark blue in coloration.
Melting / Freezing Point
1200 F (648 C) / N/a
Common State


Author's Notes

As with every writing endeavor, I would deeply appreciate constructive feedback, be it in the form of grammar corrections, naming ideas (which I have the most trouble with), or general questions or feedback about the world or anything within it. I thank you for your dedication of time to reading this article.

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