0: Campaign Context: Beginning Report in Allyria | World Anvil
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0: Campaign Context: Beginning

General Summary

Centuries ago (400 years), a powerful vampire warlock named Merikh, in league with the goddess Shar, sought to bring about the destruction of all the civilized races. He built up massive undead armies and convinced savage races like the Orcs and Gnolls to join forces with him. However, the worshipers of Mystra were not so easily defeated. Mystra, goddess of magic, created seven holy sites that enabled her worshipers to access powers that would otherwise break the laws of magic through a divine relic called the Chronosphere. Each of her sites was home to one shard of this "sphere," which gave special powers or magical abilities to any who Mystra allowed to attune to the artifacts.

With the power of Mystra and the combined forces of the civilized races, the evil forces of the vampire warlock were repelled. Two elven brothers, Thoril and Leon White, led the fight against this evil. Thoril was a gifted sorcerer and wielder of a shard of the Chronosphere, and Leon had a holy conviction that made him a champion paladin. After many battles, Leon emerged victorious over all and became known as the White King.

In a final battle on The Black Island, Thoril and Leon's forces faced off against the head of evil, Merikh himself. They fought for days but were unable to destroy the monster. In a last effort, Thoril sacrificed himself and used his Chronosphere shard to cast a powerful spell that instantly erased all traces of Merikh, but also himself. With the loss of Thoril, Leon was left to rebuild a world without his brother.

Rumors of foul play and deception spread about the disappearance of Merikh and Thoril, and the struggles of rebuilding led to strains between cities and races. To make tensions worse, a new and unknown threat has emerged. Monsters and strange and dangerous events have begun to spring up, echoing the pattern of chaos brought on by Merikh's rise to power. The world is on edge, wondering if they are strong enough to overcome this threat or if they will succumb to a worse fate than their their ancestors.

Report Date
05 Jul 2023
Primary Location
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