Father Lewis

Paragon of Steve Stephen David Lewis III

Without exchanging a word, I knew that Steve needed him. - Baria, High Priestess of Steve
        Father Lewis was drawn to the town of Steve by his curiosity. Having once been a traveling adventurer and healer, he wanted to see for himself this new budding adventuring town. The closeness of his name, Stephen, to the town's name was also an interesting quirk to look into.

  Once there, he found himself drawn to the town's sprawling Cathedral where he was immediately approached by the church's leader Baria. After a long conversation and some demonstration of abilities, Father Lewis was there to stay. Quickly setting himself apart from the priests of Steve by showing his connection to healing magic, Father Lewis rose to be the second in command of the Church of Steve after only a few short months.

  As the first person to make mental contact with the god Steve, Father Lewis is held in very high regard. He sits in council meetings with The Seven and tends to a number of city-wide issues that Baria may need his assistance with. He is also the one in charge of spreading the good word of Steve, its denizens, and its god to all who enter the city.

  With an intense connection to the spiritual magics, Father Lewis has been able to perfect his craft and has begun teaching new disciples of Steve the ways of healing, both priestly and clerical.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Bright Blue
Short, curly, light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair toned


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