Dewin Profession in Aleruus | World Anvil
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The first Dewinen were the most experienced magicians from each of the countries across Aleruus, called together by Eloren Damerel. When the oldest Dewin came near to death, it was realized that they would need to take on apprentices before they were getting close to needing replacement, and for the waves that came after, an apprenticeship with a former Dewin was required to take the position.

Career Progression

When a Dewin turns fifty, he or she takes on an apprentice and teaches them the skills needed to become the next Dewin. A Dewin apprentice is taught in history, magic, and Old Arkannen, a language known and learned only by the Dewinen or the most dedicated magicians outside the order.

Other Benefits

The Dewinen are revered for their wisdom and abilities.



The Dewinen are in place to protect against overly high levels of wild magic, and to train other magic-users to control their powers so they're not wreaking havoc on the world. They also do a lot to protect and preserve the lore and history of their world.

Social Status

Dewinen are considered high-ranking members of society, some even working with the rulers of their nations.


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