Dergonhad Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Dergonhad (der GON had)

the Farside Continent


Dominating the the Dark Hemisphere, Dergonhad is home of the dagmon people. It is a harsh continent of extreme weather and devastating monsters. Long lived civilizations thrive along the coastal lands, while inland Dergonhad struggles to sustain anything more than nomadic cultures due largely to the harsh conditions. Tales of a great Dwarf kingdoms and Elf civilizations around the twin inner seas of Semini and Debubi persist, though few are said to travel that deep into the interior of the continent to know for sure. Most of the viakagi raiders that plagued Ethae came from the southern coastal nations. While the northern nations have long connection with Na Boon, both in trade and warfare, with each conquering the other at some point in history. Large populations of the boon people live across the northern lands of Dergonhad.


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