Ordo Balera Organization in Alcirya | World Anvil

Ordo Balera

Palanos sent forth his servant, Balera, to stand as a symbol of faith to his followers. It is with great strength that Balera opposes the corruption of the Al Vingaar and that is the basis of faith for the Priests of Ordo Balera Vis Virtus. These Priests see strength as the ultimate path to righteousness and believe that Balera has set that example here in the mortal world through his prophets, the dwarves. Members of the Ordo Balera Vis Virtus claim that the body is the temple and that one physical strength is emblematic of their strength in spirit. Weakness and sickness are indicators that one’s soul is out of alignment with the almighty - strengthen the body and the soul is saved; pay no heed to your body and you shall become a servant of the corrupted ones.

The Ordo Balera Vis Virtus finds itself singular in its will; it finds few other faiths that understand the physical link between the spirit and the soul, therefore it finds few allies in its message besides those of the Guardians who are willing to sacrifice anything in their understanding of the way, thus displaying their great strength of soul (and, thus, rarely show sickness claims the Virtus). Guardians show a begrudging respect back to these priests but feel that their understanding of true strength is crude and they take issue with the bullying nature that seems to be evident in followers of this path.

The Ordo Balera Vis Virtus is in direct opposition of the Worshippers of Baatu. Priests of Ordo Balera will do anything to defeat one of these priests or their works.

This Order was purely Dwarven before the return of the Dwarves to the Alciryan homeland. Since their return, sects of human priests and followers have cropped up throughout the continent. Dwarven priests rarely consider human sects as valid congregations and generally look down on these groups for their lack of purity of vision and understanding of the long heritage of the Dwarven race. There is, however, Dwarven movements seeking to spread the Gospel of the Order in the human world under proper Dwarven guidance. The human sects revere no one human as the prophet of Balera, they see the entirety of the Dwarven race as divine and the words of Dwarven priests within this order are sacred. These priests often do not participate in the Church of Palanos because of the conflicts between the races. Within the church or without, these priests are often solitary or form small enclaves that are devoted to bringing forth their message.​

Tenets of Faith
Be constantly vigilant against the Pestulites and oppose them on all fronts.​
​Protect the weak, liberate the oppressed, and defend just order.​
​Be strong, but do not use your strength for wanton destruction.​
Be brave and scorn cowardice in any form.​
Prove your might in battle to win glory and renown.​
Duties and Rites of the Priest
Guidance: ​aspects of health, training, and nutrition ​

Mission: Community. These priests will often establish a faith community that is focused on eliminating sickness/disease and will organize events and competitions to bring recognition to their fine way of life.

Mission: The priest is almost always willing to go on adventures where he/she will be able to display his/her personal strength. ​

Also Known As
Ordo Balera Vis Virtus (The Order of Balera’s Strength and Virtue)​
Worshiped God
Known Titan(s)
Beran Mountainslight
​Priesthood of Strength​
Typical Alignments
Balera is a Lawful Good Avatar and the priests resonate that moral view. ​
Holy Symbol
​A lone mountain, crested by the sun ​
Affiliate Order(s)
​None, though on somewhat good terms with Guardians
Opposition Order(s)
Baatu , directly​
​Grand Deacon Gerth Tretera​
Typical Racial Followers
Bronze Dragons​
Dedicated Servants
Aasimon Astral Deva​
  If you are a Specialty Priest (Theologian):  
Initial Funds
3d6 x 10 gp (once the priest has bought their equipment, they must return all the remaining funds to their organization except for d3 gp)​
Minimum Ability Scores
Wisdom 9, Strength 15. Wisdom or Strength 16 means +5% experience; Wisdom and Strength 16 means +10% experience​
Race(s) Allowed
Followers and Strongholds
The followers are received at 8th level, and consist of three third-level priests and six first-level priests of the same order, plus one fifth-level fighter, two third-level fighters, and four first-level fighters, all with a Strength score of 16. The priest may take the following on adventures: Three priests (only one of whom may be third-level) and four fighters of his choice. The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 8th level.​
Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Non-Weapon Proficiencies Recommended
Reading/Writing, Religion, Charioteering
Weapon Proficiencies Required
Weapons Permitted
Axe, cestus, club, mace, maul, morning star, picks (all), polearm, sword/two-handed, warhammer​
Armor Permitted
All armor and shields​
Major Sphere Access
All Sphere, Combat Sphere, Healing Sphere

Granted Powers

Immunity: the priest is immune to undead life-draining and paralysis, and to the spells Chill Touch, Energy Drain, Enervation, Ray of Enfeeblement, and Vampiric Touch, and all forms of natural disease.

Turn Undead

Incite Beserker Rage OR Cure Disease 3/day (acquire one at 5th level)

Inspire Fear (acquired at 8th level)


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