Lawerian Military Organization in Alcion | World Anvil

Lawerian Military

The Lawerian Miltary are the de facto law-enforcers across the known universe, though there are some places where their influence is far less, such as the Vantnax System and Elemin as well as some of the less consolidated species such as Bladbuz and Humans.   In general, Lawerians act similarly to the Federal Police in the US, dealing with the more extreme and violent crime committed by individuals while leaving more minor issues to be sorted by the local authorities. They are also the organisation that most effectively deals with other, harmful organisations such as slavers, simply due to them having the manpower and training to do so.


The Lawerian Military has a commander that oversees the general direction of what is happening, and a number of divisions that each have their own Archon or Sentinel: Flyers, Chaosmongers, Seekers, Messengers, Healers, Seraph and Lawkeepers. There are a number of other ranks, though Seraph are the only division to have every rank that is available. In terms of enlisted troops, not officers, there are three ranks which inform the way that division operates practically; "Squads" who are, appropriately enough, in charge of squadrons; "Jacks" who are a bit more diversely trained and watch over small groups; and "Beaters", the main body of the enlisted, who tend to work mostly in pairs assigned to jacks and squads.


Since every Lawerian has to serve for a while, there is a bit of a distinction within the military between those on their time and those who are serving voluntarily. For example, those doing their time cannot rise above the "Jacks" level generally, mostly due to the time constraint, and are usually limited to less severe incidents and kept in quieter outposts. While there is a bit of ribbing from the volunteers to those doing their time, bullying is frowned upon and attempts at leveraging their position are usually cracked down on not only by their peers but by their equivalent of Military Police.   Unlike many human militaries, the majority of Officers started off as enlisted soldiers and were picked to advance due to experience, temperament and skill. They are taken off active duty for a bit and trained to deal with the responsibilities of the promotion because that often involves a certain level of political liaising. When operating within the territory of another people, high ranking officers will hammer out the details of cooperation with the Overseer or consolidated governing body of the planet- a job usually left to those ranked Sorters, the poor bureaucrats of the division. In the rare occasion neither of these exist, they'll liaise with the next best thing- local governments or law-keeping organisations, usually, though they also worked alongside TRITON on Earth in the chaos following the 1940s. Lower level officers will then work with local divisions where possible, with enlisted soldiers often slipped into the existing law-keeping organisations. It is also highly common for them to have some Companies working directly alongside other organisation in this way but also having some Companies manning their own outposts for more extreme and intergalactic issues such as Slavers and Verraten.     At the end of the day, their job is to protect those that need it and bring justice to the hurt. It is very rare to find a Lawerian still in the Military that doesn't believe in risking their lives for the sake of others.


While the Lawerian Military has switched between consolidated and fractured over the course of history due to the Lawerian Civil War, the actual way they operate has stayed essentially the same throughout the march of time.
Government, Law Enforcement
Related Ethnicities


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