Overseers quietly guard entire planets from more magical based dangers.
There are not necessarily requirements. However, most Overseers belong to species that are long-lived and in tune with magic or celestial beings in some way. They also do not necessarily have to be native to the planet or a dominant species, though many are.
Most commonly, a successor is chosen and appointed by the current Overseer. There is a simple but powerful ritual to ensure the successful transference of the position, though what it entails is unknown to anyone who has not undergone it. All that is known is that it takes the length of an entire day cycle.
If the Overseer was killed or otherwise dies before they can appoint a successor and there is an active Planetary, they will often pick a successor that they like and send an emissary to ensure the ritual's success. The same can apply if the world is magical and the web is strong and reaching enough to decide on a successor.
Overseers are primarily responsible for protecting the beings of their world from unnatural and usually incorporeal threats, such as Leviathans, Titans and Shagons. However, some are known to assist other world leaders against physical threats if they have the means to do so.
Politically speaking, Overseers are usually very powerful and have the ability to lean on others to get their way. This works best with denizens of their world and Lawerians but depends on the role of the Overseer being known and recognized on that world. Appointment to this position also gives the individual unique access to information about the world. No-one ever knows the secrets and goings-on of a world as well as an active Overseer.
Accoutrements & Equipment
There is no official item associated with the Overseers; considering their unique nature on each planet and the often ancient tradition of their existence, such items are often unneeded or if they ever existed have long since been lost. However, being appointed Overseer will often affect their appearance in some subtle way that echoes some of the ecology of the planet.
Notable Holders
The Dervys were the first to split the role between multiple people for a single planet, partially due to Ardee's increasing responsibilities elsewhere and partly due to the intensely magical nature of Alcion and the number of threats that were drawn there.
Magical, Honorific
Still in effect in some worlds, died out in some where the threats were eliminated or there was no-one left to appoint a new one
Form of Address
Equates to
This is similar to the role of the Dreamweaver for the Runi people, but in that case there are multiple of them.
Source of Authority
Planetaries, other Overseers, the magical web of a world
Length of Term
Once given, an Overseer remains so until they find a successor or die.