Dearest Blossoms Species in Aidonia | World Anvil

Dearest Blossoms

1st of Sun's Swell, AE 721  
The dearest blossom is an abundant shrubby plant found all throughout the Fey Realm, framing many a picturesque forest clearing, but on the material plane, these sweetly-named blooms can only be found within the O'Rauven Wildlands. Rarely growing above two feet tall, these plants bloom with bright clusters of purple flowers, ranging in shade from a very pale periwinkle to a vibrant red-violet color.  

Preferred Environment

In the Fey Realm, dearest blossoms prefer to occupy the edges of forest clearings, having lots of light but not too much direct sun, and soils which are well-drained. They tolerate sandy and chalky soils well.  


While dearest blossoms seem to grow well so long as they are in close proximity to the Fey Realm faults through which they were transplanted, botanists have not yet determined how to grow them elsewhere. Whether grown from seed or from sprouts, no conditions seem to satisfy them enough to grow perennially as they normally would within the Fey Realm, with most specimens behaving more like an annual and dying after one short growing season.  


Despite how difficult they may be to obtain, many florists who live in nations near the Wildlands, such as Kingdom of Hazar and Nuvulau, enjoy using them in bouquets because of their longevity. With proper care and plant food, they may last up to three weeks in a vase.   Their most widely spread use is by users of the Lossoma botanical language. Originating and almost exclusively used within the Fey Realm, Lossoma is an elaborate language which requires not only memorization of which words and concepts are attached to each plant, but how those meanings may be altered depending on the medium that they are presented in (bouquet, wreath, garland, boutonniere, etc.), as well as their relative position within that medium.  
Dearest Offering by illumiinae with Midjourney
Dearest blossoms are most typically used within Lossoma as a tone indicator to convey sincere affection. In bouquets or wreaths, it can be used to emphasize an expression of love for a romantic partner or gratitude for a dear friend or family member, as well as to soften the blow when delivering necessary tough love. When worn on a boutonniere or corsage when out and about, it can convey a person is uninterested in casual hookups and is instead seeking true connections; additions of other flowers can specify whether the connection they seek is romantic, platonic, or either.
A botanical illustration of part of a plant showing a stem with multiple clusters of small purple flowers extending from it.
Dearest Blossom Illustration by illumiinae with Midjourney
Average Height
2 feet (60cm)
Geographic Distribution
Language | Mar 2, 2023

The language of fey and flowers.

Cover image: Field with Dearest Blossoms by illumiinae with Midjourney


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Jul 19, 2023 06:01 by Deleyna Marr

I love the beauty of wearing a corsage to express one's desires. Lovely concept! And what lovely flowers!
