Bough Spinner Character in Agrophon | World Anvil
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Bough Spinner

One of the three Old Vacillian deities, Bough Spinner values the preservation of life and the laws which ensure it.  


On a cliff overlooking what's now the Mudlark Coast, there was a stone taller than most people with a very recognizable shape. From one side, it was almost perfectly octagonal. From another side, it looked like a large man walking pensively, his hands clasped behind his back. It was a nice little monument, but it became really intriguing when a child tried climbing the rock and looking at it from straight above. From this third perspective, it resembled a toad, with its hands and feet displayed symmetrically on the four diagonals.   These angles inspired three of Bough Spinner's many facets, and the rock still captures his image. At some point the rock was pushed off the cliff and into the ocean, but it can still be seen in perfect condition beneath the waves. For most Vacillians, this is proof enough that Spinner is alive somewhere.   There are few people of Old Vacillian descent left in Agrophon; in particular, the image of Old Vacillian hobgoblins seems entirely lost. Spinner may be the only true image of them that remains.  


Bough Spinner took on six different aspects, which rose and fell in prominence over their life as the related questions changed.  

God of Stars.

What governs the space outside Earth?
She resembles a beetle-headed humanoid with an indeterminate number of arms, each corresponding to a star, which can revolve at any angle around her body. She was a distant creator god, receiving enormous praise without influencing the world directly.  

God of Will.

How do I overcome fear?
They resemble a rotund Old Vacillian hobgoblin with a pointed expression and giant ears. They carry a giant armillary sphere. They’re very strong and knowledgeable, but not especially crafty; they were usually called upon at the last minute during extreme peril.  

God of Humours.

What's required of a living body?
They resemble an insubstantial truncated cube which appears to be made of parchment or sinew. They don’t move; their location(s) change when their observers look away, and they might appear in different places to different observers. They spent their time listening to the burgeoning fields of medicine and physiology in Old Vacillia, helping wherever they could. As the science grew more complex and powerful, so did this aspect.  

God of Humans and Halflings.

How did sentient creatures appear without being created?
She resembles an Old Vacillian woman with an eye on the front and back of her head. Different observers may see her as either a human or a halfling. She’s extremely clever and efficient at all crafts, particularly architecture. Many old structures which were blessed by her are miraculously still standing in Vacillia.  

God of Colors.

What is color?
He resembles a frog which changes color when viewed from different angles. He can alter his own size and strength at will. He serves as a muse who can unlock new dimensions of a situation. If he cries, bleeds, or is otherwise divided into parts, those parts take on their own life and become monsters. These creatures may be the same as the Grievances of his sixth aspect.  

God of Death in Peacetime.

Someone has died. What do I do?
He resembles an Old Vacillian man with no face. When he moves his arms, a second pair of arms is left behind, which can move independently. A psychopomp, he takes care of those who die in peacetime; victims of war are specially handled by Knotinagut. He also nurtures and tames the forces of grief, which are represented as monsters of incredible variety, each with its own unique solution. When tame, they follow at Bough Spinner's side.  

Death and retirement

Bough Spinner is considered dead, surviving only in a few pieces of artwork and text in Subdromace. Lately he's been feeling bored; his death has given him a lot of ideas on how to help people through their own passing, and he hopes to get back to work someday.   Bough Spinner knows that he and his friends have been replaced by the god Zeal. While he's furious with the people who erased him, he gets along fine with Zeal and even sees him as a potential ally. Spinner is more worried about Monarch, who he thinks is much more dangerous: while Zeal was created through destruction, Monarch is a destructive thing himself, an invasive idea.
Current Location
113 524 637 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Bough Spinner first arose as a god of the stars, alongside the shared values and dreams of Vacillia.
Circumstances of Death
When Old Vacillia was decimated, Bough Spinner fell to a fraction of their power, and they were quickly overwritten by the new god Zeal.

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