Rivornyn Occupence Organization in Agora | World Anvil

Rivornyn Occupence

During the end of the Mortals Wars, the new age of divine force known as the New Dawn Order took a decisive blow against the north of Kaiden. Once the Doxard Regime had been pushed back and King Benviere was slain, the treaties were being drawn up to bring an end to the chaos of war. One of the conditions set by Isiria and the New Dawn Order, is that the refugees from Hethalla and Kaiden would be relocated to the conquered North. The New Dawn promised to stand vigil over the construction of this kingdom and watch for disallowed retaliation from Reland, where the remnants of the Doxard Regime were settled.   The Land of Peace, as the starborn refugees dubbed it, was soon a liviable and lively kingdom that would be known as Rivornyn. Roughly 200 years into the Comet Age, the country was stable and openly trading with the rest of the realm. However, the New Dawn Order refused to leave. Perhaps it was paranoia towards their Stoneborn neighbours, an unquenchable sense of honour, or a tragic fall into power-lust. Either way, the New Dawn Order refused to leave the Land of Peace, and insisted upon imposing martial law to protect their charges.   After 30 years of authoritarian rule, the New Dawn Order was eventually dissolved. As the government of Rivornyn shaped their own laws to slowly, and diplomatically deescalate their protector's megalomanic control. The Premendments gave the refugees the freedom to form their own government and rule themselves. The New Dawn Order found themselves with less command over the people, but we're still able to keep to their duties as protectors under the laws of their charges.   In modern day, Rivornyn is now led by a council, consisting of each region's high-ranking nobility, known colloquially as the Lords and Ladies. They are the makers and morphers of Rivornyn's law and are seen in high regard by the public. The New Dawn Order has gone through a strange metamorphesis. Where once they were polytheological champions of the Isirian pantheon, they are now solely worship the Just. With these changes comes dispute, and with dispute comes revolution. The Tenurists are a revolutionary organisation attempt to remove the Lord and Ladies from power, and incite freedom of speech.
Geopolitical, Country
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