Toqati Ethnicity in Agoén | World Anvil
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The Toqati are the inhabitants of the Plateau of Toqamur. Used to harsh weather, dangerous wildlife and the desolate region of the plateau, the Toqati are fierce and enduring people. They are the descendants of those few people who came during the The Silver Rush of Toroc á Amur and stayed after the rush was over. The Exiles of Gnabanan later successfully swayed the Toqati to their side and used them as an effective fighting force during their raids. Many Toqati fell in the last battles. The wrath of the survivors was directed against Arandorion, with small skirmishes and raids continuing for decades. It took more than 100 years for these relationship to slowly getting better....   Toqati are a nomadic folk of small independant clans, traveling around the plateau with all their possessions. They live in great tents, built on carriages for quick en- and decampment if necessary. They use Ovekh for transport and as draft animals while they themselves ride horses and herd sheep or cattle. Toqati are also known for their mining skills and continue to mine those shafts that their ancestors had dug centuries ago. The ores and gems are mostly sold to traders of Arandorion. The current relation to Arandorion can be described as neutral, although most Arandori are still somewhat wary of the Toqati due to their support of the Exiles during their resistance. Additionally, most Arandori simply can't understand why anybody would choose a life in such a desolate region.   Their fighting skills, especially against dangerous creatures and monsters, makes Toqati sellswords a highly sought after group of specialists. They are a rare sight however, as Toqati do not leave their homelands often. Toqati slaves are among the most expensive ones that can be bought in the Realms of the Slavery Coast.
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