Ovekh Species in Agoén | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Ape-like animals with four limbs. The front legs are slightly longer than the hind legs, making the shoulders and head the highest point of the body. The head is attached directly to the torso and resembles that of a bison.   The body is muscular, with broad shoulders and back. The strong, hooved hind-legs allow Ovekhs to be surprisingly fast when running and can be devastating when one gets kicked. The front legs lead to three-fingered claws, enabling Ovekhs to defend themselves if necessary.    The head of an Ovekh seems strangly unfinished, as there are no ear conches or anything outstanding or defining. Ovekhs do have (somewhat bad) hearing, with two little holes on both sides of the head. The rest of the head resembles a bison, with a mouth, nostrils and two big eyes, yet no horns.   Their skin is thick and leathery and covered in fur. The colour is brown or gray. Some individuals are born with seemingly arbitrary brighter spots around their body. This spots affect skin as well as fur on the specific spots and sometimes grow to be as big as a human hand but seem to have no negative or positive effect on the animal. The spots are seen often seen as luck however, which has led to higher prices for "spotted ones" and in some cases to "breeding programs" with the hope of increasing the amount of spots. All those endavours failed however, with the true reason for the spots remaining a mystery. Ovekhs themselves don't seem to care about these spots and will also not change their behaviour around individuals having them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young Ovekhs tend to fully grow in a period of 2-3 years. They stay with their herd for that time and rely on their parents for protection and teaching.

Ecology and Habitats

Forests and grassland is the preferred home of Ovekhs but they are known to be very adaptable. They can sustain great heat as well as cold for prolonged periods of time and are also known to survive without food and water for more than a week if necessary.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ovekhs are herbivores, preferring leafs, fruits and nuts and may turn to eat grass and bushes if needed.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ovekhs live in small herds of 5-10 animals, mostly families consisting of several generations. Herds are led by a dominant female, with males remaining in the lower end of the hierarchy. Younger individuals sometimes break away from their herd and either roam alone or in small groups. These groups, mostly consisting of either males or females, may lead to another individual herd or link up with an existing one. Many factors seem to play a factor for a successful formation, hinting to a complex yet almost unkown social structure.  The formation of greater herds in captivity may lead to clashes between several females fighting for dominance. Social factors play a great role here. It's a sign of great understanding if an owner is able to keep a great herd of Ovekhs.   Ovekhs are rather shy and careful despite their massive stature and will rather flee than fight. If forced to attack however, a herd of Ovekhs can be a truly dangerous foe.


Ovekhs are peaceful but very careful by nature, making a binding process a very lengthy process. It is best to win their trust by acting calm around them and allow the Ovekhs to dictate the pace of the binding process. Once established, Ovekhs can be convinced to follow and will over time become very loyal and willing pack animals. Some may even allow themselves to be ridden. It is important to understand however that Ovekhs see the binding as mutual and act angry when treated badly. Breaking an Ovekh either through physical and/or mental pain may lead to the individual becoming paranoid, twitchy, aggressive or sometimes depressive.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Ovekhs are strong and enduring and often used for transporting large amounts or bulky goods.

Average Intelligence

Ovekhs have an average intelligence. They are smart enough to know their worth when used as pack animal and want to be treated well in return for their work. Some individuals are known to develop special quirks (a favourite sleeping spot or food for example) and may demand it if used for hard work. A good owner knows the quirks of his Ovekh and will try to treat him with respect, gaining loyalty in return.
around 60-70 years
Average Height
around 2m (shoulder height)
Average Weight
around 300-400 kg
Average Length
around 2m


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