Sea silk Material in Agia | World Anvil

Sea silk

Sea silk is a rather old material, however very rare and expensive. The silk is made from pen shells' long silky hairs, which is used to attach itself to the sea bed. Most of the pen shells are harvested in the lower part of Western Agia but is known to also being harvested near the Saithon Isles. The pen shells are also used for its meat and pearls, so nothing of the shell goes to waste.

The hairs which are about 6 cm long, is then spun into a very fine thread and treated with lemon juice. The colour is a golden colour that will not fade over time, which make it highly attractive for people wanting to have lasting golden silk embroidery. Even cloths vowen with threads of sea silk are woven more finely than silkworm silk, and is said to be very light and warm.

Scholars aruges whether the goddess Irath dress found in Briorth, is made from sea silk, since its colours has not faded and has still maintained its golden colour, while others claims it to be due to the goddess' power, and it has been blessed. But one thing is sure, the dress is definitely made from some kind of silk.

Another very known piece of clothing made by sea silk, is the embroidered hat or veil for the Yppwenlas. Depending on whether the Yppwenlas is a female or male, a corresponding crowning attire is addorned with sea silk embroideries. The veil is for the female, and the hat is for the male. The embroideries contains symbols of the Glux and the Tears of Hope flower.



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