Session 3: The Missing Professor Report Report in Aetregyr | World Anvil

Session 3: The Missing Professor Report

Rewards Granted

Everyone present earned 2500 xp and the Emptor paid each of the characters 50 gold on behalf of Ilvras.
The Widening Gyre
Yarpen Zigren
Yarpen Ziggy Zigrin is a 68 year old Male Dwarf and a level 11 Cleric.
Timoo Timbertown
Timoo Timbertown is a 34 year old Male Gnome and a level 12 Bard 5, Gnome Artificer 7.
Narrassah of the Twirling Spear
Narrassah is a 25 year old Female Kettine and a level 12 Scout 11/Barbarian 1.
Adar of Ikaan
Report Date
12 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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