The Smiling Orc Building / Landmark in Aetheria | World Anvil
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The Smiling Orc

I will not let you make me one of your harbour wenchs Finnegan Tidesworn!
— Rosalyn
  On Sawyer's Alley, southwest of the town gate. Its neighbors include a stone-walled bathhouse and a modest traveler's shrine. The inn is a two-storey timber and brick building, with unusually high ceilings. Accomodations consist of several large rooms with beds and straw mattresses. The innkeeper is a thin male human named Clyne . He has been stealing casks of drink from another tavern (The Cup and Toad).   The Inn is used by The Shrouded Serpent on a weekly bases as a meeting point and is currently a front for some of their smuggling efforts.   Rosalyn works here as a friendly Barmaid.  

Unique Feature

The Tavern hides one of the many entrances tot he city tunnel system used by The Shrouded Serpents to carry out their illicet work of smuggling and intimidation.


Main Dishes

Boiled Pork and Dried Carrot (8 CP)
Stewed Sausage and Soft Cheese (11 CP)
Roasted Pork and Dried Peas (12 CP)
Salted Sausage and Barley Bread (9 CP)
Boiled Mutton and Soft Cheese (13 CP)


Roasted Watercress (4 CP)
Boiled Eggs and Onions (12 CP)


Honey Cake (5 CP)
Berry Tart (6 CP)

Drink Choices

Tankard of Ale: A hearty brew with a rich, malty flavor favored by adventurers after a long day's quest. (5 CP)

Tankard of Stout: A dark, velvety beer with hints of chocolate and coffee, perfect for warming up on a chilly night. (8 CP)

Mug of Mead: A sweet, golden drink made from fermented honey, beloved by bards and merry-makers. (6 CP)

Tankard of Perry: A crisp and refreshing pear cider, ideal for cooling down on a hot summer's day. (7 CP)

Tankard of Cider: A tangy and slightly tart apple cider, popular among travelers and locals alike. (4 CP)


Known Patrons



  • Building Map - The Smiling Orc 1st floor
  • Building Map - The Smiling Orc Ground


Rosalyn (Human) Red-haired honest looking beautiful Inn-keeper (well she is now.
Suggested Mannerism
Rushed off her feet

Bar Maid

Rosalyn does this too (Human) It is impressive how she moves about the place doing the work of four
Suggested Mannerism
Speaks her mind


Rosalyn(Human) Yep you guessed it, slaving away over everything since Clyne fled.
Suggested Mannerism
bats eyes at Finn
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


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