The Cup and Toad Building / Landmark in Aetheria | World Anvil
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The Cup and Toad

The inn is a modest half-timbered building, with several shuttered windows. A fake dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. Accomodations consist of several wooden cots in the cellar and woolen blankets near the hearth.   Athel the innkeeperruns this place and appears to know everything about the travellers who pass through here.  
No.Food & DrinkPrice
1Boiled Eggs and Buckwheat Bread, Tankard of Bitter10 cp
2Pottage, Mug of Bitter4 cp
3Dried Pheasant and Dried Turnip, Tankard of Beer8 cp
4Spelt Porridge, Mug of Mead5 cp
5Pottage, Mug of Ale2 cp
6Buckwheat Porridge, Mug of Perry5 cp
7Pottage, Mug of Bitter5 cp
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant


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