Oakhaven Settlement in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Oakhaven rests on the southwestern tip of the Whispering Woods, situated at a pivotal three-way road junction. Its prime location makes it a vital crossroads for travelers and merchants. Oakhaven is a picturesque settlement with charming timber-framed houses and cobblestone streets that wind through its heart. The town thrives on trade, as caravans and adventurers passing through the junction bring a bustling atmosphere to its market square. Oakhaven's inn, The Smiling Orc, serves as a popular meeting place for travelers to exchange stories and seek provisions before continuing their journeys.  

Points of Interest


Notable People met here


Things that have happened here


Primarily Human and Dwarf , some other civilized races.


Oakhaven is governed by an elected joint council


The Guildhall: An ornate half-timbered building, once an inn house. It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is shared amongst several local merchant guilds.   The Lightning Tree: This tall tree seems to be struck by lightning in every storm, and its bark bears countless intricate burn scars.   Ashen's Pottery: A large potter's workshop, decorated with many of what appear to be dragon eggs.

Guilds and Factions

The Shrouded Serpent runs his criminal gang from Here THere is a large Guildhall for merchants traders and adventurers.


  • Town Map - Oakhaven
Included Locations


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