Deiect Condition in Aecenys | World Anvil
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After purging one self of any magical abilities, a person can become a Deiect. This person no longer has any arcane magical abilities, either innate or gained over time through study. It has no effect on those blessed with magical abilities from the divine or from nature. The condition is caused by ingesting Fluxroot, also known as Knight's Folly, a plant commonly found near the arcane wellsprings in Aecenys. It works as a sponge, absorbing any magical essence in its proximity, so when consumed it saps all of the arcane from the host. Most of the time it is compressed into liquid form by alchemists in order to be easily ingested.


Consumption of fluxroot causes the veins around the neck to turn a dark green or blue depending on the race, permanently scarring the deiect and making them easily identifiable.

Cultural Reception

A Deiect is viewed differently throughout the continent depending on the region or faction. One who gives up their magical abilities by willingly ingesting fluxroot within the Corinian Empire is seen as loyal to the cause. However, in territory controlled by the Valorion Dominion or the Ebon Asendancy where arcane magic is rampant, fluxroot is used as a severe penalty. A Deiect becomes an outcast from his fellow magic users, never again able to rise as high in power, and is instead cast down to the lowest rung of society. Because of the implications of becoming a Deiect, sinister factions have been known to use its liquid form to poison their enemies, a fate almost worse than death.   Those who have scarring in regions known to look down upon Deiects typically wear garb that covers the neck region such as scarves or high-collared tunics. Those in the Corinian Empire like to accentuate the affliction, going so far as to wear ostentatious necklaces and amulets, in order to draw the eye towards the neck.


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