Volcanglas Material in Adventures in Valerick TTRPG | World Anvil


"Oh yes, this shall do quite nicely indeed. A blade, or bullets, regardless of the delivery, this bit of material is guaranteed to banish any Voidling back beyond the Aether, where they belong. With enough of the stuff, one could make armors or shields all but impervious to any magicks, protecting the wearer from any direct magickal harm or interference. However this material is extremely dangerous and difficult to acquire, life threatening even. As such, even for such a righteous cause, it cannot be parted with so cheaply or freely, milord Templar. So shall we bargain then?"


Material Characteristics

Volcanglas is a metallic mineral, of a sort, though almost more comparable in some ways to a very strong glass, and less to metals like iron. However it is a metallic ore, when it is heated up enough to liquify, which is a very tall task, it can be smelted with other metals, they achieve similar consistencies. It has a stark and startling almost aquamarine color to it, the blues and greens tricks of the light in some ways, it may seem, especially when seen compared to the environment it is found in, the harsh black, grey and reds of a smoky active volcanic region.

Physical & Chemical Properties

This material is so valuable, so desperately prized, despite the risks that one must take to acquire it, because a little bit of it offers a great deal of power. This is good because there is not very much of it, for it is an exceedingly rare element. It can only be found in active volcanic regions, nowhere else, and even then it is almost never found in large quantities. However a pound of the raw ore can be used, smelted with iron to create an alloy, and the ratio is quite small. This alloy, with but one pound of raw Volcanglas, could make two sets of articulated full plate harness, completely magick resistant, or one set that was full on magick immune. It could make half a dozen shields. Or it could be used to make a dozen weapons or so, or many more rounds of ammunition, all of which could potentially, upon striking a creature from the Void, banish it. Forcibly evict it from this realm, this reality, sending it back from whence it came and to where it belongs.

It is these magickal shielding and anti Voidling properties that make this exceedingly rare substance so worth the risk to seek out, and in some cases, to pay wanna-be Exemplari vast fortunes to go and attempt to find, mine and return with.

Geology & Geography

Volcanglas Deposit by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.

The blue-green glow to the right of the river of fire in this depiction would mark a small to moderate deposit of Volcanglas, perhaps a 4 to 5 pounds of useable ore to be found when mined. The process is best done in an open pit fashion, with appropriate masks and eye protection as the mining of this ore releases a notably toxic gas in the immediate vicinity. The glow will fade with time, and as it does so, this is a signal the amount of useable ore, ore of a quality that is workable, is dropping. When the stone fades to a black or grey tone, one would imagine that the ore, this substance, has gone inert, has undergone a chemical change to become akin to the rock around it. This process likely takes at least a few decades after a volcanic region begins to go dormant.

Origin & Source

Most current theories about how this mineral is formed do point to the extreme heat and reactivity of the magma itself and the gases in the air all about such regions as likely key contributers to the formation of this most valuable metallic substance.

Life & Expiration

It is unknown the exact time frame of the element's natural life cycle, though a good indicator it is not forever stable is the fact that no deposits exist near and around long dormant volcanoes. It seems the heat, gases, and open caldera of more active volcanic formations is required for this mineral to form.

Color: Volcanglas is found within and very close to the magma chamber and calderas of still active volcanic sites, and its color does help it stand out. It is a deep almost aquamarine color, clashing and standing out well on the backdrop of grey, red and black stone and magma all around.

Melting/Freezing Point: It solidifies at quite high temperatures, remaining solid even in all but the absolute hottests of forges, so at least in several hundred degrees of heat. It is known to be of a liquid form all about the magma deep within active volcanoes, but does not begin to solidify until it has escaped with a magma flow into the open air. Volcanglas is the first compound within magma to solidify, doing so whilst the rest of the molten earth is still very much an oozing liquid.

Elemental Abbreviation:


Density: It is more dense than mithrium, but less dense than iron.

Commonly Found State: It is only ever found and mined in its solid state.

Cover image: Raw Volcanglas Ore by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.


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Aug 3, 2023 17:00 by Cassie Storyweaver

The description of how it is mined really added to the article. Prospecting for it must be a very dangerous job!

Greetings fromThe Ring of Fire and Dragons! Check out my Spooktober page here: Spooktober 2023
Aug 4, 2023 00:25 by Keon Croucher

Thank you :) and yes most definitely. Dangerous, though also if done successfully, well worth the effort.

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization