Primordials Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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The primordials, or Dawn Titans, are god-like beings made of manifest entropy and elemental energy whose domains are the Elemental Chaos and Abeir, unlike the gods, whose domains are The Astral Plane and Toril.   Ao created the multiverse from the raw material of the Phlogiston, and within the sphere several worlds drifted upon the Sea of Night. The worlds contained no life, but they were coveted by the primordials. The goddesses of light and dark, Selûne and Shar, formed from the ocean of silvery liquid left over from the realm's creation (the Astral Sea), unbeknownst to the primordials. They defended the new worlds from the primordials. Thus began the Dawn War, and other gods were created from the residue of the conflict or summoned from other dimensions to help the native gods of Realmspace.   During the fighting, Ao himself intervened when the primordial Asgorath the World Shaper hurled an ice moon at Abeir-Toril, wanting to destroy the world she couldn't claim as her own. Ao then sundered the world into two new, twin worlds called Abeir and Toril. He granted the primordials control of the world of Abeir and the gods control of the original world, Toril.   The few primordials who survived retreated to Abeir, tired of conflict. Their dragon slave-steeds then rose on rebellion, igniting the War of Fang and Talon that killed even more primordials,[6] Meanwhile, the remaining Dawn Titans retreated into the mountains of Abeir and fell silent.  

Elemental Lords

There were a few primordials who never fought the gods and chose to remain in Toril when Abeir split away. Five such primordials were elemental lords and rule over the Inner Planes, worshiped like gods.


Akadi, the Queen of the Air, is the ruler of the air element. Her domain is Sky Home.  


Bazim-Gorag the Firebringer and Lord of the Pandemonium Stone, wasn't originally a primordial. He ascended to that status sometime after the Spellplague. His portfolios are chance and chaos, and he is invoked by gamblers and anyone who wants the impossible.  


Grumbar, the Lord of the Earth, is the ruler of the earth element. His domain is Root Hold.  


Istishia, the Lord of Water, is the ruler of the water element. He cares not about Umberlee's storms or Valkur's sailors. His domain is the Cresting Spires.  


Kossuth, the Lord of Fire, is the ruler of the fire element. His domain is the Undying Pyre.

Articles under Primordials


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