Elemental Chaos Geographic Location in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Elemental Chaos

At the farthest extents of the Inner Planes, the pure elements dissolve and bleed together into an unending tumult of clashing energies and colliding substance, the Elemental Chaos. It is within this realm that The four Elemental Planes — Air, Earth, Fire, and Water exist. This plane is not closely tied to the Prime Material Plane and it's parallels - rather, it is the maelstrom where the various elemental forces that make up the Material spring from.   The Elemental Chaos is a harsh environment and one where you must always be on guard while traveling through. The ever-changing landscape hides dangers unique to all the elements at once. Bubbling seas of acid, rivers of lightning and massive ice mountains move through the chaos, all the while earthbergs crash into one another.   The plane, beyond the floating materials of creation, is largely bare. Were any structure to be built or life to take hold, without powerful magic to protect it, it would be quickly destroyed by a random collision with an earthberg or burned away by a rain of liquid fire. Throughout the Elemental Chaos are materials mixing in strange and new ways. While it may be obvious to ignore the bubbling sea of ooze, it may not be as easy to see which parts of an earthmote might explode out in fire, or that the crust of the earthmote is incredibly thin and just below the surface is quicksand made out of lightning and mud. The hazards of the Elemental Chaos are as varied as the materials that make it up, and they are constantly shifting through a myriad of different forms.
Dimensional plane
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