Arvandor Geographic Location in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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The home of the Seldarine (the elven pantheon), Arvandor is a place of lush natural beauty - verdant forests, towering mountains, crystal streams, azure lakes, and a deep green sea.    The celestial realm of Arvandor is one of the few planes where the elf-like eladrin dwell in significant numbers. The eladrin of Arvandor are not servants of the elven pantheon, though they respect the elf deities and generally cooperate with them in everyday matters as well as urgent ones. But when the elf deities require powerful servants to travel to other planes, they usually call upon angels' rather than eladrin, so all varieties of angels dwell here as well.   The deities of the Seldarine have little interest in governing the realm. They instead rule through proxies that in turn send emissaries to enforce the laws. These duties are taken with varying degrees of seriousness. The elven population is ruled by High Kings and Queens. There is typically one ruler for each elven subrace.  

Realms of the Seldarine



The divine realm of Aerdrie Faenya is an archipelago of floating islands, floating trees with two crowns, and a glittering palace of clouds that floats above the clear skies of both layers. It is inhabited by celestial eagles and rocs, as well as elven and avariel petitioners, celestial elves, and angels. In the World Axis model, which interprets Aerdrie Faenya as an aspect of Angharradh, the realm is also connected to her realm of Sky Home.

Crescent Grove

Also known as "Gwyllachaightaeryll", meaning "the Many-Splendored" in the Elven language, the great palace is the center of Arvandor and home to Corellon Larethian and Sehanine Moonbow. Originally a giant tower, the palace is an ever-changing blend of nature and art, combining an architecture of white marble pillars and walkways with enormous white-barked trees. At the center stood the Overlook, the palace's tallest tower, which offers a breathtaking view of the entire realm and is a favorite destination for visitors.


This palace, built of coral, gold, and veined marble at the bottom of a chasm in the Sparkling Sea, is the home of the Dolphin Prince, Deep Sashelas. It is home to celestial dolphins, whales, and great schools of fish. Populations of tritons also share the realm with the realm's sea elf petitioners.

Erevan's Changing Palace

When the trickster Erevan Ilesere stays in Arvandor between his exploits it is in a palace made from different materials. Its details change according to the deity's whims and are never the same twice for any visitor.

The Gnarl

A village of elves and ratatosk near one of the roots of an immense tree, which is interpreted as Yggdrasil in the Great Wheel model and as the World Tree in the World Tree model. The village neighbors Erevan Ilesere's realm.

Hanali Celanil's Crystal Palace

The elven goddess of love and beauty resides in a magnificent structure of pure crystal within a lake.


The Fountain of Youth and Beauty is the center point of Hanali's palace (part of the time). Evergold is a sacred crystal fountain and surrounding pool in the middle of the crystal palace Hanali Celanil. Evergold is the name given to it by the elves, and it is said to be the true source of beauty for all elves and eladrin.

House of Glowing Stars

The realm of Araleth Letheranil, the Prince of Stars, the House of Glowing Stars is permanently illuminated by many stars slowly drifting around it.

Lolth's Grove

The former realm of the exiled drow goddess Lolth is a ruined and forlorn grove of blackened, uprooted or broken trees, crawling with spiders and haunted by banshees.

Pale Tree

This grove, surrounding a wondrous white tree with silver leaves, is the realm of Solonor Thelandira.
Dimensional plane


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