Valkur Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Captain of the Waves, The Mighty)

The god Valkur, the Captain of the Waves, Is an exarch of Tempus, patron of sailors, ships, favorable winds, and naval combat.   Valkur's philosophy often puts him in conflict with the capricious ocean-goddess Umberlee and he is a sworn enemy of the Deities of Fury. He is friendly with Selûne, who guided sailors across the sea. It was believed that Valkur may have once been a mortal sailor who challenged Umberlee and emerged victorious.  


The church of Valkur is loosely organized. Many clerics serve as captains or sailors aboard ships and they usually meet each other only if they happened to serve on the same ship or be in the same port. The clergy is known for helping sailors who are down on their luck.   The Order of the Calming Wave is founded by a group of pirates from the Sea of Swords who abandoned their worship of Umberlee after a particularly dangerous storm. They believe that they survived by Valkur's hand and have dedicated their life to serving their new deity and growing the monastic order.   Valkur's church celebrates only one holy day known as the Shattering. The exact date of the festival varies but it is always celebrated in the spring. The purpose of the festival is to celebrate the breaking up of ice floes in the north, which marks the beginning of the sailing season.

Divine Domains

Tempest, War, Sailors, safety of ships, favorable winds, naval combat
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity


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