Spectrum Magic Spell in Adijari | World Anvil

Spectrum Magic

Spectrum magic is commonly known as the first art of the devs. It originated in early dev society but has progressed to have a place in almost every area of dev magic.   Spectrum magic is simply the ability to project any, or a mix of, the seven holy colors- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These lights can be projected externally, usually through the hands, but can also be projected internally. This means that it can be used to empower individuals chakras, also known as energy centers. Each of the seven main chakras of the body favor a different holy color. This skill is very useful in healing arts when it comes to the devs, as most ailments can be tracked to a damaged chakra, or one that is over or under stimulated. The internal healing power of spectrum magic has been repurposed into Ashrabashra magic of enhancing the body to super human levels, while the external projection has been developed by Mythserela practitioners into illusion. The core aspects of spectrum magic and its understanding that color energy has multiple applications is still being studied exclusively in some institutions that believe that some of these newer practices are distractions from the core principles and purpose of this original magic.


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