Gaja. An Elephant-Lahk nation


Gaja is one of the oldest settlements of Adijari, built by and primarily for the large and highly intelligent elephant-lahks. The nation's main trade is information. There are many schools, universities and organized libraries throughout the nation, some of which are hidden. The tomes of these libraries are the property of Gaja, and there are strict codes restricting their distribution. Very few books are even allowed to leave the state. Instead, Gaja scholars who study these works will visit other nations and orate the requested information, allowing Gaja control of what is shared and for what price.   Elephants also live in Gaja, either in herds in protected areas or amongst the general qui-lahk populous. They are part of the transportation and farming infrastructure, as well as others that are key to running the nation. These elephants are well cared for, and always have been since Gaja's inception.   The same cannot always be said for other qui-lahk who live there. Everything is built for the seven to ten feet elephant-lahks. Thus the wideness of the roads, the elephant drawn chariots, and general heavy weight of everything make it a struggle for these smaller qui-lahks. Many of these other qui-lahks are also the menial and poorer labor force, and so do not have much say in government decisions that affect them.   As a nation that exists on flat land, the protection of the nation has always been paramount. They have strong diplomatic associations with many of the nations surrounding them, and even help facilitate good relations between them to promote peace. When diplomacy fails though, the Gaja army is mighty. Compromised primarily of elephant-lahks wearing heavy armor and wielding massive weapons, the army generals are erudite in enemy weaknesses and war strategies. Much of this is also guided by Nagamalla, a martial arts and defensive war philosophy that incorporates elephant-lahk physiques and abilities which makes their army not just powerful, but creative as well.
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