Heroic Adventurers Start Here

Welcome Young Adventurer!   We are pleased that you uncovered the Flutterblink Tome of Heroic Heroism for Adventurers and the Like.   Who are the Flutterblinks you ask? I’m surprised you’ve never heard of us! If you do need a refresher on why we are particularly suited to write this tome, we set aside some pages to write about our history. We do try to stay humble in the face of our greatness.  
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  As this is one of the primary texts in Heroic Adventuring Academies across Adazuri, we can only assume that you’re one of those bright students who were accepted. If you are looking to enroll in an Academy, this Tome will give you a head start in the admissions process. Although it is common for potential adventurers to enroll in academies as young as twelve — after all, it is a right of passage for our children to leave home and explore the world independently — many academies allow enrollment at any age. The only requirement is the spirit of Adventure! And passing all the necessary entry exam requirements, along with the requisite fees.  
by Charat
Flutterblink Word
My personal favorite academy is the Alykin Heroes Academy located outside of the independent city of Tifwado. And if you happen to attend, you will be under the guidance of yours truly, Headmistress Flutterblink. Alykin Heroes Academy was formed 8190 AE by Alykin Tifwado, the champion of the Devils' Storm. Although no one has seen Alykin in fifty years, her legacy lives on in all the heroic adventurers who graduate.
  If formal learning isn’t your forte, you can always try to directly apply to the Heroic Adventuring League of your choice. Whether they let you join or not is dependent on how your ideals and your individually-honed talents line up with their mission. Some adventuring leagues may be loose with their membership rules. But if you hope to be part of the best, you must be the best. And pay your dues. Heroic Adventuring League memberships hold a plethora of benefits, particularly in the Westerly Union and Northern Knolls. Expect superior welcomes at every settlement you pass through. Stay at sister leagues when you travel or get the finest lodging at discounted prices. The Crest of your League imparts immediate respect. And, of course, the best benefit of all: you have the honor of serving other people while seeing the world.  

by Charat

Flutterblink Word
If you want to join the AHA League under my lead, you must show superior worth. Having proven success on difficult missions would be advantageous. However, I don’t have time to weed through paltry League hopefuls. That is why I typically leave it to my wife to do all the heavy lifting regarding recruitment through her leadership at Alykin Academy. Impress me enough and I’ll consider letting you join.

The Rodures of Adazuri

  Did your previous school or tutor give you geography lessons? Did they include all the Rondures in the lesson or just stick to the mortal basic? I can only imagine your prime geography lesson included the nearest capital to your village. As an adventurer, such a rudimentary understanding of the world just won’t do! You must know where you are in the world. And where you may end up if you’re not careful!  
We will begin at the beginning. A Rondure is the sphere plane where mortals, gods, and creatures can travel through or reside.   Adazuri consists of intersecting rondures or spheres. The primary three rondures are the Eternal, the Mortal, and the Gates. The Gates connect the Eternal and the Mortal. Two secondary rondures intersect with the Mortal, though their intersection points are constantly moving. They are known as the Outcasts Rondure and the Vanishing Rondure.   The Labyrinth is the astral pathways which provide travel between the various Rondures.
Map of the Rondures by Cassandra Ernst
Major Rondures

Eternal Rondure

The highest Rondure known to mortals. The home of the Eternals. Some believe, the First invites the most honored people, regardless of species, to join Them after death. The Eternal Rondure is shrouded in mystery. There is only one Gate to enter it. It has been locked for thousands of years.It holds a single lock that no key can open and no lockpicker can break.

Gates Rondure

Sometimes referred to as the in-between, the Gates Rondure connects the Eternal and the Mortal. Although it was believed to be created by the Eternals as a pathway between the two Rondures, the door to the Eternal is in-inpentatable. Since the barring of the Eternal Gate, lesser gods have created their own Rondures with Gates, where the dead are escorted according to their beliefs. Most mortals can only access the Gates Rondure after death. Collectors, who know many pathways of the Labyrinth, guide the dead. There are countless gates which lead to countless Rondures. All are closed ecosystems. The Gate to Halja is located here. Once ruled by the Devils, Halja have maintained a chaotic hold since The Devil’s War.

Mortal Rondure

The Mortal Rondure is where most people will reside before they are Collected after death. Surrounding the Mortal Rondure are the Elemental and Dream Rondures. These Rondures, are the primary source of magic. Though some may be gifted power from the gods. The Mortal Rondure currently consists of eight primary regions across three continents and an archipelago. The waxing and waning of magic over time has sparked the development of new sapient species (colloquially referred to as Folks), such as the Beast Folk. Although all folks possess the capacity for magic some are considered more innately magical than others.
Minor Rondures and The Labyrinth

Outcast Rondure

The Outcast Rondure was created by the Fae Folk during a time when Fae and Beast Folk were being persecuted. Although it is not only Fae Folk’s home, their particular brand of whimsy can make the Outcast Rondure turn into a place of convoluted joy. Notably, the Fae brought the dinosaurs to their Rondure when the creatures were on the verge of extinction (as they have transferred many other near-extinct creatures before). It is said that folks cannot find the Outcast Rondure, the Outcasts find you. Those can only be found when they are lost.

Vanishing Rondure

The Vanishing Rondure is where mortal folk escape when they want to be forgotten. People who are desperate to find it wish to escape death. Or the judgement after death. Soul-contract evaders are especially plentiful. The Vanishing Realm is known as a place where neither devil nor demon can remove a soul. And no matter how knowledgable a Collector, they can never map the gates to the Vanishing Rondure. It is a gloomy place to reside; only those who are escaping from eternal captivity resign their existence to the Vanishing Rondure. Many undead make their home here as the negative energy is just to their liking.


The Labyrinth is shaped like an ever-moving worm between all of the Rondures. It is an astral plane and allows travel between the Rondures, connecting gates to one another. Although their main paths lead to the Gates Realm, it is possible to find gates that connect between different locations on the Mortal Rondure, gates to the Elemental and Dream Rondure and gates which open into the Outcast and Vanishing Rondure.

Regions of the Mortal Rondure

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Arctic Boreal

The Arctic Boreal is the northernmost continent in Adazuri. Noble and insular people live high in the mountains, while the snow-covered plains and forests host fearsome monsters. The Arctic Boreal is the only continent known to still have giants. Unwanted everywhere else, half-giants, half-trolls, and half-oni have also found refugee here. Though the Arctic Boreal has dangers and hardships, wandering groups of winter elves, firbolgs, and halflings have refused to give up their home in the face of such challenges.
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Austral Wilds

Located directly south of the Westerly Union, the Austral Wilds is home to scorching deserts and inhospitable mountains. Many of the Devils' allies fled south at the conclusion of the war. As a result, the Austral Wilds has a reputation for danger. Though not unfounded, not all who live here are villainous. Many outcasts have also made their home in the Austral Wilds. Take note that Heroic Adventurers are rarely welcome here. If a mission brings you to the Austral Wilds, be sure to conceal your crest well.
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Eastern Homelands

The Eastern Homelands is located the eastern continent of Adazuri. Cultural groups are far more isolated--often by choice--on this continent. Additionally, many are against the magitech advancements of the Westerly Union. Expect settlements to be wary of outsiders. Few may have even heard of Heroic Adventurers. Though many may act kind towards strangers, they rarely allow those from outside their cultures to stay for long.
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The Emerald Islands

Located just off the Westerly Union, the Emerald Islands is a primarily peaceful region ruled by elder mothers of the Lorelei merfolk. Although they are a strong ally of the Westerly Union, folks in the Emerald Island typically prefer to take care of any trouble internally.
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Gleaming Archipelago

The Gleaming Archipelago is located north of the Eastern Homelands. It is known for its unstable volcanos to the south and its beautiful array of colorful flora to the north. Some believe there is a permanent gate to the Outcasts Rondure here. Whether or not this is true, cultural groups from the Gleaming Archipelago are known to judge others by their character, not their birth species.
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The Northern Knolls

The Northern Knolls is a Democratically-ran collection of settlements primarily made up of halflings and gnomes. They are the strongest allies of the Westerly Union and have many Heroic Adventuring Leagues throughout their land. Known as the true safe haven for all small folk, the Northern Knolls focuses more on protecting those within their land and less about exploring new places.
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True South Empire

One of the most isolated regions in Adazuri, this is a human empire known for its disdain of other Folks, particularly those with innate magic or beastly features. Here, the use of magic can be cause of death, and magical beings are not tolerated. Although there are some other folks who call this place home, such as halflings, they are treated as second class citizens. Their natural defenses and advanced forged technology makes them formidable foes. Although many Heroic Adventuring Leagues find their ways distasteful, it is not our role to be political judges.
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Westerly Union

Located in the western continent, Westerly Union was the primary battleground and place of victory for the mortals against the devils. Heroic Adventuring Leagues started in this great region and their deeds have made Westerly Union the safest place to live in Adazuri. Westerly Union is known for its cultural diversity and intermingling between species--a direct result of the war. As well as its technological advances--a direct result of the co-mingling of ideas. As a Heroic Adventurer, you would be hard-pressed to find a place in Westerly Union where you would not be welcomed with open arms and seated in a place of honor.

Fascinating Folk

  Many young adventurers grew up believing that their settlement was the world. How shocked they must be by the sheer magnitude of sapient species (Folks) they encounter across Adazuri. I'm sure that, you, heroic adventurer, can recite every type of Folk across the world. But for those aspiring adventurers who need a bit more assistance, we have divided the Folks into eight simple categories. Of course, some Folk are more widespread than others. First Folks certainly love creating their empires. During quests high in the mountains or burrowed underneath, adventurers may come across cloistered enclaves of Folk who've barely interacted with other cultures since the Great Magic Surge. Dual Folks may not even have a place to call home. Understanding a bit about the Folk and cultures one may encounter will aid adventurers greatly in their future travels. One word of warning! It does no good ascribing stereotypes to individuals. Although it is true that certain cultures have their norms, many individuals may buck even the most seasoned adventurer's expectations.  
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Beast Folk

Beast Folk are considered to be one of the younger races. They came into being during the Great Magic Eruption. Shortly after this time, there were hundreds of species of Beast Folk. Unfortunately, their unprecedented creation led to the Beast Persecution. During these time, whole groups of Beast Folk were wiped out. It was only through the acts of the Fae Folk that the Beast Folk still thrive. Many live in the Outcast Rondure, though they can be found throughout Adazuri. Examples: Birdfolk, Catfolk, Woolies, Cicadafolk.
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Construct Folk

Construct Folk came about as a result of the merging of magic and new tech. Although many Construct Folk were first created as a form of defense against the Devils, many now live their own lives. There are some in the Outcast Rondure who have even learned to construct more of their own, creating new generations who’ve never experienced war. Examples: Steelforged, Gemforged, Woodforged, Living Dolls.
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Doomed Folk

Undead, demons, and devils. These folk may have once been mortal but most have long forgotten what it means to have a soul. Many have the ability to travel through multiple rondures, however they may prefer to stay on the Mortal Rondure. Whether it is to corrupt other folk or to steal their souls. It is important to remember, however, that though they are evil, they must also be pitied. They are often slaves to a darker power; many may have even lost their free will. Which begs the question: When does one stop being a folk? Examples: Hexblood, Parasite, Vampire, Spiderdemon, Imp.
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Dual Folk

Caught between two words, the dual folk are mixed folk of two species. Some may take on the characteristics of the parents who raised them, while others live in big enough communities where they have forged a new cultural identity. It is not uncommon, however, for Dual Folk to feel as if they have no home. Their parent’s species will often determine how they are treated, as some Dual Folk lineages are more accepted by the larger world than others. Examples: Half-Elves, Half Dragons, Half Trolls, Tieflings, Cambions.
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Fae Folk

Fae Folk are purported to be First Folk who resided closest to the locations of magic surges during the Great Magic Eruption. As beasts turned sapient, so too did First Folk become overflowing with magic. Their influx in magic caused fear in those who were not so gifted, so they created the Outcast Realm as a safe haven for all who were feared. Though many are still distrustful of less magical Folk, the Fae are known to be welcoming of all who are downtrodden. Examples: Fairy, Aziza, Satyr, Dryads
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Fallen Folk

The Fallen Folk are First Folk who chose to side with powerful fiends. Although they still maintain hold over their mortal soul, the pacts they made have corrupted both their bodies and minds. Fallen Folks are not inheritantly evil; however, their cultural groups often revil in evil acts. It is possible for a Fallen Folk to overcome their upbringing. But don’t expect a settlement of Fallen to show any kindness. Examples: Goblins, Giants, Orcs, Bugbears.
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First Folk

The First Folk are said to be the original inhibitors of Adazuri, created by the Eternal directly. Their mastery of magic varies and some First Folk are known to be more innately magical than others. First Folk are the most common in Adazuri and their settlements are spread throughout all continents. Examples: Humans, Elves, Halflings, Gnomes, Dwarfs.
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Fluid Folk

Fluid Folk have the ability to change their shape. Whether by taking on the form of a beast or shape-changing into multiple different forms. It is supposed that they gained this ability during the Great Magical Eruption, though most hide their alternative forms when possible. It is rumored that they have been present for as long as the First Folk. Some cultures of Fluid Folk claim that they were created before the First Folk to act as messengers between the natural world and other Folk. Examples: Blinkbeasts, Shifters, Ijiraq, Djehuti, Changlings.

Religious Paths

  Before the Folk, there were the Gods. Of course, the Gods are still with us today some more present than others but dependent on where you were raised, you may only know a few of their names. Or perhaps you are most familiar with the singular path that your family or village followed. As adventurers, you will cross paths with many a god and many a follower. And as you intermingle with others, it is always good to know the motivations behind their actions. Religion is often a good indicator of this. In one way or another, we all know the story of the Creator and Destroyer — The First. And Their original creations, The Eternal — The Seven Sisters and The Trickster. But how did we get from The First to where we are now? Is it even possible today for us mortal Adventurers to ascend to godhood? We think it’s possible, if not entirely probable. So study up on the Paths. Understand the Gods. You never know when a petition may come in handy.  
Understanding Religion in Adazuri
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History of Adazuri

Step into the Past
  As you are well aware, young adventurer. We are in an age of not only peace, but a magical renaissance where information is shared freely between the Folk cultures and new magitech innovations are being created every day. Thank your lucky stars that you have been born in such an Era and not during the terrible Devils' Storm. Or worst yet! The Dread Scarlet Age.

Cover image: by PatoLenin


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Aug 4, 2021 20:45

Very nice and detailed primer. I also like your layout for it using the columns with the small summaries of your regions and folk. That eternal rondure does sound mysterious by being closed off, especially since even the lesser gods can't seem to enter it. This world has quite an interesting cosmology. :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Aug 11, 2021 04:16 by Cassandra Sojourn

Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it.

Choose your poison:   Phasmatum: An Afro-Solar-Fantasy world created for my epic novels.
Adazuri: A shonen-inspired magitech fantasy world home-brewed for 5e.