Ostia Aterni Organization in Adarus | World Anvil

Ostia Aterni

A faction of militant faithful operating under the organized umbrella of the Creator Astralian Church as a judicial inquisition. Their name means "The Office of Truth".  

Structure and Purpose

The Ostia Aterni operates as a religious tribunal wing of the Creator Astralian Church. Members of this sect are divided into three roles: agents, inquisitors, and judges.   Agents operate throughout the empire as undercover spies embedded into aristrocratic estates and the courts of dukes. They are also known to blend in with commoners and tail suspected heritics. An agent's primary objective is discovering the sources of any heresy and identifying enemies of the Church.   Inquisitors are the ones most often seen by the public. Their jet-black robes and purple armbands firmly position them as the face of the sect. When an agent reports his confirmation of heretical activity and identifies suspects, the inquisitors deploy in pairs to interrogate. Though they may not officially detain or arrest an imperial citizen, the law has rarely stopped them from doing so before. Only nobles seem to be out of their reach... for now. Inquisitors are often referred to colloquially as "(the) black robes".   Finally, if the inquisitors discover enough evidence to warrant prosecution through a tribunal, the judges then weigh what is found and determine a punishment befitting the "crime". Officially, this can be as extreme as excommunication, but if the suspect in question is a commoner or is otherwise unable to afford adequate protection, they may face torture or death, especially if their silence protects the secrets of the Church.  

Hunters of Heresy

Officially, the Ostia Aterni is tasked with rooting out "crimes of heresy" that threaten the stability of the citizens' faith in the Creator and the Astralian Church. However, sins themselves are not necessarily heresies (such as greed, hypocrisy, adultery...). Rather, a heresy, by definition of the Church, is "the denial of the truth". Heresies targetted by the Ostia Aterni are often formalized organizations or beliefs that run counter to Creator Astralism doctrine. Most are considered serious crimes in the eyes of the Church and warrant judicial action.   The following are heresies the Ostia Aterni is most concerned with:   Restorationism - The belief in the restoration of the past: primarily the rebuilding of chimeric technology and innovations, and especially the restoration of the chimeras' freedom. Due to their very broad interpretion of "restoration of the past", Odysseus personnel are advised to exercise their best judgement when conducting archaeological digs at chimeric ruins.   Auroranism - The belief that there is no Creator, never was a Creator, or that the Creator has died. Auroran Astralism is the dominant faith today in the Nasir Dominion, and Creator Astralians blame Aurorans for a violent split that caused their original exile to Abia. Aurorans still belief in the divinity of the astrals, and continue to use the twelve-pointed star as a religious symbol, but their doctrine does not enforce the belief in a singular godlike diety that rules above the astrals.   Immanence - The belief that mortals in the mundane world can either become divine beings in their own right, or channel the ancient magic of divinity itself. This belief is a relatively new heresy spread by supporters of the on-going chimeric rebellion in the Empire. It professes that the chimeras' champion, Mika, has immanated with Ahriman and channels both his wrath and divine magic. The Ostia Aterni hunt immanites with ruthless aggression and often execute them without trial.   Vesuvianism - Named after Count Gabriel Vesuvius who revolted against the Empire in 325 BA. Vesuvians believe in the abolishment of monarchical authority. While technically a political movement (which was thought completely disbanded after Count Vesuvius' capture and execution) the Church deems it a heresy nonetheless, seeing it as a threat to their influence should the aristocracy be swayed. Vesuvianism has seen a revival with the rise of a new rebellion.

"By Azra's guidance, with Addelum's protection, and through Suriel's silence, we deliver and protect the Creator's vision."

Founding Date
1150 BA
Alternative Names
The Office of Truth, The Inquisition
Agents, Inquisitors, and Judges
Parent Organization

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