Ivory Arcanum Item in Abholos | World Anvil
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Ivory Arcanum

From the Merchant's Elephant comes a strong Ivory source. Their regenerative purposes make it ethical and a strong source of income for these Merchants. When extracted, the Ivory Arcanum emits a cyan, glowing liquid from tiny holes at the tip. Each Trader Elephant can only produce 1/2 doses per year. Most Merchants who own the merchant Elephant also hold this Ivory Arcanum. It is a highly exportable product for Tortvain and Merchant Leagues, which has made them extremely rich.  

Main Uses


Arcane Focuses

  The Main focus for Tortvain's Royal Family, Arcane Focuses that Rely on Ivory Arcanum is mostly Wands, which are formed with Solidified Arcanum Liquid with the handle being made of pure ivory. Though the Tortvain Royal Family distributes this to their greatest spellcasters, but they use most of their doses has gone to their Tortalia Gardens. The wands used are given specifically to Tortvain's School of Noble Humanoids.    


  The Arcane Focuses' counterpart, Mystical Tattoos are made from the Liquid and made with the Tusk itself. This is used at minor scales for the typical trading league, when they have to use certain low level spells and arcane traditions to do day to day activates. These can be Create Bonfire, Charm Person, and Detect Magic. Though some more, criminal, leagues, have been known to have full body tattoos using the magic, which ends up giving them immense magical capabilities, making their sorcerers and warlocks extremely powerful.     


  In more ancient text, regular Ink won't prevail. For the Sages of Elfar, they use Ivory Arcanum for their most prized possessions, allowing for it to maintain a high quality for decades instead of the original ink. Most prime examples of this may be for high-quality trading agreements, Royal Events, Nobles' Funerals and Marriages, and even done by Philanthropists' scribes to the most meaningless of things.
Item type
2 lbs per Dose
Base Price
500 GP


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