Gert's Bakery
As of 104 P.A., The Bakery of Rifthaven has been standing for all of a year.
Gert and Frikit, the grackle tooth couple, run the bakery. Gert is the Baker and Frikit is a farmer.
Unfamiliarity with Earth grains and climate has led to only partial farming successes this past year. And those grains they were able to harvest or barter for were used up by Gert as she tried to bake bread with it. After several less than stellar attempts, she was able to make some very good bread with it.
Frikit has saved samples of all the grains he used last year and will be sowing again this year in an attempt to find some that work best in this climate and make for tasty and nutritious breads and meals.
Because of the quality of Gert's work, the hamlet of Rifthaven has decided to support Frikit and his attempts to grow, harvest and mill grains. This year's first capitol project will be a windmill and grain silo.
A stout round stone building with an off center oven and chimney.
Constructed by Gert and Frikit after their first year in Rifthaven, the bakery is also their residence.
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