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World Behind the Veil

Current Date: 12th of December 2020


The History of World Behind the Veil so far

Humans are not the only sophont species in this world. Many others have formed societies and cultures around the world. Sometimes in conflict with human communities and sometimes integrated with them.


The dragons were a group of extinction dinosaurs with supernatural abilities. They were sapient and established complex societies that spand the entire globe. They went extinct together with all the other dinosaurs.

Current Species & Cultures


The humans are the dominant and most populous species in the world. They can be found in practically every corner of it. A small number of them has a supernatural ancestry giving them special powers and abilities.   The rest are just as ordinary and special as you.


Dryads are ancient tree spirits which can create a humanoid form. Their origin is unkown even to the dryads themselves. They can be found everywhere in the world where there are trees.


The jogah are nature spirits with human-like appearances. They are native to Northern America. Each of the three subspecies has a different preferred habitat.

Needs & Relations