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World Behind the Veil

Current Date: 12th of December 2020


The motivation behind building World Behind the Veil

The scope of this project is wide, but some restrictions are in place to make sure I do not get lost too much!  
The World Behind the Veil is a fictional universe of urban fantasy with inspiration from existing urban fantasy settings and folktales from around the world. The setting features a wide range of characters and organizations in their struggle to overcome the challenges of this century with the supernatural newly exposed to humanity. The world itself can be a dark place, but its inhabitants can have lasting positive impact on the world when they try.


This project serves as a way for me to write down ideas, have excuses to research cultures and mythologies from around the world and use World Anvil. Every time I write an article I learn something new about both our real world and my fictional alternative version of it!

The goal of the project


This project lets me wind down when I am stressed. I can participate in the many community events of World Anvil and connect with the people there. I learn many things about other cultures and other places while researching for articles.

World Behind the Veil's Unique Selling point

Unique Selling Point (USP)

The world is a wild mix of modern pop-cultural ideas and depictions of urban fantasy tropes and elements inspired by ancient folklore from many different parts of the world.



The themes of this world are not well organized. There are many different topics and subjects I would like to talk about and use for inspiration.


An urban fantasy world set in Manhattan and the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. The masquerade has been broken. The creatures of the night and the shadows have been out in the open for several years. Humans have long known about these creatures and told stories about them which were only considered myths and legends before the Veil was lifted. Since then the supernatural has become a mundane part of the daily lives of many people around the world. This poses numerous challenges on how to organize a world where humans are not the only intelligent species and some humans are very powerful.

Reader Experience

Reader Experience

The world mixes the mundane with the supernatural. There is always something new to learn about our world, its myths and legends in an interesting way.

Reader Tone

World Tone

The world is has many gray areas with some dark and bright places dotted in between. Those can even sometimes co-exist right next to each other. Often it is the rich and powerful who live in the bright places while the poor live in misery.

Recurring Themes

Recurring Themes

  • Mudane things with a supernatural twist.
  • Legendary creatures and characters interact with the mundane world.
  • Powerful factions fight to achieve their purpose.
  • Investigators uncover mysteries.

Character Agency

Character Agency

The characters of this world can have a lot of agency, but what level heavily depends on the resources that are available to them. With more wealth, connections, status and power it is much easier to change the world for the better. Or for worse. Much like our own.


This world has not such a clear focus at the moment. I still try to figure out what I want to focus on exactly.

Faction Relations

Different factions fight to achieve their missions. These missions sometimes lead to conflict between them. These conflict are sometimes carried out with words and sometimes with violence.   Sometimes bad actors manipulate events to create conflicts between them where none were before.

Folklore in a Modern World

Every culture and community in the world has their own folktales and folklore. Turns out many of those things were not just invented or inspired by superstitions, but often just stories that pierced the veil and became common knowledge.   Not everyone of those creatures and peoples has an easy time to adapt to a modern world, but some have succeeded in an impressive way.

Nature vs. Civilization

For centuries progess for human civilization has meant to destroy nature in the process. This is still the case today in many ways, but many are looking for ways for both to co-exists. This is especially true for those who depend on nature for their survival. They are at the forefront of this battle to change the minds.


The most important things that are happening at the moment!

Fall of the Veil

The Veil was a supernatural barrier that blocked humans and supernaturals from percieving and remembering supernatural events and phenomena.   Four years ago the veil failed for unknown reasons and uncovered many hidden communities for everyone to see. Even many werewolves were surprised to learn that vampires are real!


Society faces an unprecedented level of inequality between those that have and those that do not. This trench creates many problems and conflicts for those that doe not have anything.

Climate Change & Environmental Destruction

The world is warming up, trash is pileing up and everyday more and more natural habitats are destroyed. All in the name of profit and "progress".

Clandestine Operations

The powerful factions act in their interests to ensure that their mission is achieved. When necessary they use secret agents and special forces who act behind the scenes. Governments are powerless to regulate and only other factions can stop them.

Demonic Invaders

The world is threatened by a massive invasion force from another dimension. For centuries legions of soldiers have fought to prevent them from arriving. The bodies and materials needed to keep this defence running consumes many resources.