Teyla Orairo

The Scarred Witch

Tehilalla Orairo- Weaver (a.k.a. Teyla)

My parents always expected excellence from me. And I was excellent. They pushed me to the breaking point. And I broke in a very spectacular way.
— Teyla
As the first-born daughter of the Weaver family, she had everything growing up. She was tutored from a very young age in many different subjects. Like her mother, she showed great talent in both representational magic and necromancy. At the age of 8 she was already capable of re-animating a small bird. She was a true prodigy. Her path seemed clear.   This all changed on her sixteenth birthday. On this day the daughters of the Weaver family summon their first demonic familiar. She had been stressed all week. The moment she began the ritual she could feel that everything was going to go wrong. But she feared disappointing her parents more. She pressed on. And right when the hell portal was opened she lost control. A powerful demon had been waiting for a chance to pay the family back. He managed to possess Telya and started attacking the present witches.   But the family had always had known that this would happen someday. They did not hesitate and banished the possessed Teyla back to the hell dimension her new demonic overlord came from.  

Life in Hell

When I opened my eyes in hell for the first time I saw the face of a handsome young man. Not what you'd expect in this desolate place. I fell in love right at that moment. Although it took me a while to realize.
— Teyla, about her first moments in hell
Life in hell was not easy. She had to fight every day for her life against the demons around her. At the same time, she had to fight for control over the demons within her. Her mental and physical strength grew fast. Her talent for survival was astonishing.   But she would not have survived if it was not for the Old Master and her husband. They led a small band of people through this desolate land. Fighting and killing. There was very little time for living.   This continued for many years. She is unsure for how many as time flows different there than it does on Earth. Although there was much despair and horror, she could still find some peace and happiness. She also learned compassion for those weaker than her. She found a meaning in her life which she never thought possible. A new path. Away from her family.   But hell is not a place for happy endings. One day her husband was killed during a fight which they usually won without even an injury. When she saw her husband fall she lost all sense immediately and let her emotions and demons take over. The ensuing massacre lasted for many days until the people she was supposed to protect managed to bring her under control. They paid a heavy price.   When she awakened once again and she realized what she had done she almost lost control again. her teacher got through to her in the nick of time and she managed to stay in control. She decided to return home and managed to do so with the help of the Old Master.  


Her sole purpose seems to be to correct the wrongs her family committed. She saved me and my son from certain death. I am really thankful.
— Unnamed Victim of the Family
After her return she found herself fighting for three goals. She is determined to support the people she saved from the hell dimension and help them find a home on Earth.   At the same time, she fights demons which attempt to find their way to the Earth following the path she took. During these fights, she realized that her family was instrumental in allowing various demons to come to Earth. This pits her against the schemes of both her mother and younger sister.

Social Network

She is the first-born daughter of the Weaver family. As the family considers her to be dead her shares of the family fortune were redistributed to her younger sister. Only her younger brother knows of her return as she does not wish to rejoin the family.   She takes care of the people she brought back from the hell dimension where she was trapped for many years. She helps them adjust to life on Earth. Since her return, she has built a small network of people she trusts. This network includes Detective Monroe, the cyber witch Celia, and a few others.   When she is feeling particularly down she visits the old, retired butler of her family Mr. Alberts, who is like a father to her. It was thanks to him that she managed to find a footing back in her world.


Teyla Orairo

Daughter (Trivial)

Towards Keywon Weaver



Keywon Weaver

Father (Important)

Towards Teyla Orairo



Yalonda Weaver

Mother (Important)

Towards Teyla Orairo



Teyla Orairo

Daughter (Trivial)

Towards Yalonda Weaver



Teyla Orairo

Sister (Important)

Towards Quadell Weaver



Quadell Weaver

Brother (Vital)

Towards Teyla Orairo



Jeneice Weaver

Sister (Vital)

Towards Teyla Orairo



Teyla Orairo

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Jeneice Weaver



Teyla Orairo

Granddautgher (Trivial)

Towards Kaala Weaver



Kaala Weaver

Grandmother (Trivial)

Towards Teyla Orairo



Maiden Name
Year of Birth
2002 CE 18 Years old
Quadell Weaver (Brother)
Jeneice Weaver (Sister)
Current Residence
Raven Black Curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Physical Apperance
Facial Features
Large scar from her forhead crossing her left eye down to her lips.
Supernatural Abilities
Tehilalla is a demonologist and a witch by heritage. She houses several powerful demons within her body and can use their powers to great effect.   She constantly struggles to keep them under control. Each demon has their own personality and goals. To access their powers she has to give them some access to her mind. This also affects her state of mind while using these abilities.  
  • Or'os, Demon of the Deadly Touch (Greed)
  • Dalvanneth, Demon of Horror (Paranoia)
  • Tannin, Demon of the Infernal Fortress (Rage)
  • Bairal, Demon of Blades (Pride)
  • Ozzamad, Demon of Curses (Dispair)
  Each time she kills someone with these abilities their souls are absorbed making both herself and the demon within her stronger.   She can use representational magic and has some skill in necromancy. But she does not use the latter.

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin
Character Portrait image: Portrait Teyla Orairo


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Dec 4, 2020 11:36 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Wow, she's gone through some stuff. I'm interested in the time disparity between Hell and the 'real world'. Even though she's 18, I guess technically she's much older than that. I'm intrigued to know more about her husband and the Old Master; it's really interesting that there were other people in Hell.   I'm also curious to know more about her family. They don't sound like good people.

Emy x
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