Head Warrior | WBtV

Head Warrior

The person holding this rank is the head of state of the West Canada Nation. They represent the nation in many ceremonies with other supernatural communities and the New York Government.


The position is elected once every year. The election always takes place during the last full moon of the year. All members of the assembly or their representatives have one vote that they can cast. The next day the new head warrior assumes their duties and responsibilities.


Each term lasts for one year. No restriction exists for an individual to serve more than one term. However, none of these terms can be conscutive as each term the person is elected from one of the seven clans in a round robin fashion.


The head warrior has to be the child of a clan member. The elders of the clan that get the next term nominate the candidates for the election. A single elder can nominate a candidate and the elders cannot nominate themselves.


All candidates are senior members of the military forces of the West Canada Nation. As the head warrior is expected to lead the nation during war, they need experience in these matters. Furthermore they need the respect of at least one elder to even be considered.


The procedure begins on the full moon during November. In this night the clan elders come together and each names their candidate. Those candidates then step forward and receive the blessing of the clans highest moon priestess and the nations catholic priest. The next begins a campaign tour through each of the clans to hear them out. When multiple candidates are on it then this is the time to garner the favour of the assembly members. A single candidate still goes on this tour to talk to the people and listen to their worries and ideas. After a month two days before the last full moon of the year the election takes place. Every member of the assembly casts their vote. The votes are cast on a ballot made out of paper. These ballots are then counted within those two days. Once the result is known the candidate holds a speech and prepares for the handover ceremony. During this ceremony the members of the assembly gather together and the head warrior is once again blessed by the highest moon priestess and the catholic bishop. The ceremony is then topped of with a feast in honour of the new head warror. The next day the head warror is then expected to attend his first meeting with the security advisors where they are briefed on the state of affairs.




Political, Military
Form of Address
Head Warrior
Related Organizations
West Canada Nation
Source of Authority
The Assembly
Length of Term
1 year
Repeat Terms
No restrictions
Minimum Age
No restriction

Cover image: Book of Magic by TJ Trewin


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