Earth Day | WBtV

Earth Day

Today we celebrate the beauty of our home. Our big blue ball of natural wonders and riches. And yet it is a sombre occasion, as this natural beauty is threatening to turn into our enemy. An enemy that can drown us, burn us and blow our achievements away. Every year it gets worse.   Therefore, we need to take real action. Reduce carbon emissions radically to ensure everyone can still call this world their home. We need to stop exploiting the earth and the animals as we do now. Without action, billions will be without a place to live and many millions will perish at the wrath of the world.   Join us in our efforts to ensure that companies can no longer exploit these resources as they please.
— Venerable Keti
April 22nd
Related Locations
Central Park
  On this day, the focus is on Earth itself. Its primary concern is to raise awareness about climate change. The day is celebrated around the world with various educational activities, political activism, documentaries, promotion of solutions and ideas and more. Every year the day becomes a bigger event as climate change is more and more of a threat.  

Championed by Dryads

Dryad communities champion this day around the world. They always protected the natural world from human destruction and exploitation. Dryad activists organize events all around the world to spread the word. Their goal is to make humanity take a step back and join in radical action to ensure the planet does not become unrecognizable.  

Green Earth Day Festival

A festival taking place in Central Park organized by the Manhattan Dryad Clan.   It features many shows, workshops, speeches, maker-spaces and more. New Yorker's and other visitors take part in and contribute to the event. The event goes on for an entire week, beginning with the earth day. Another important aspect is the raising of funds for class action lawsuits against big oil companies and other bad actors. Other dryads rally support for political campaigns for green issues or the expansion of existing and the establishment of new natural preserves around the United States and elsewhere.   This event has tens of thousands of visitors each day and becomes more popular every year. The event attracts both tourists, who are just there for the experience, as well as many climate activists, who wish to learn more and join tangible actions. The event is widely shared on social media and traditional news media.

Tree Worlds

An extremely famous documentary created by a crew of dryads traveling the worlds. The documentary showcases thousands of magnificent and ancient trees around the world. The dryads of trees also explain how human activity has negatively affected them and the surrounding habitats. The documentary strikes a good balance between highlighting the beauty of the world and the tragedies that unfold within it because of climate changed.

Cover image: Photo by Action Vance


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