The Crow Bar

A grungy old tavern in Bradstowe, Orlend, famous for its family of nesting crows in the attic.

Welcome to The Crow Bar. You look like you need a hard hitting drink!
  The Crow Bar is a grungy old tavern situated in the South Quarter district of Bradstowe, capital of The Isles of Orlend. You'll find it across the road from The Bent Copper and just next door to The Bearded Clam.   The bar is famously named after its large nest of crows that have taken up lodging in the rafters. The establishment was once a bustling inn, but the feathery new residents provided such convenient loyalty against thieves and trespassers that the owners decided to let them stay. Sacrificing the profits of the attic rooms cost dearly to start with, but the cheeky crows soon became a crowd favourite and really put The Crow Bar on the map as a great venue to get wasted & chat up some birds.   The bar is frequented by tough folks who work even tougher jobs. In order to maintain order when things get rowdy, the barkeep has a menacing red crowbar tucked into his belt.  

Popular Drinks

Drink Description
King's Orchard Cyder A crisp, sweet cyder that is innocent in flavour yet packs a punch when you try to stand up afterwards.
Dunstol Distillery Whiskey The finest whiskey in The Isles of Orlend.
Xendrian Fire A flaming shot with a tropical twist.
Lava Lover An intoxicating honey-syrup that burns with an intense heat as it soothingly glides down your throat.
Betty's Bitters The cheapest ale in Bradstowe.
Liar's Liquor You will be served a fancy multi-coloured cocktail that glows with edible glow jelly. The catch is that you won't know if it's alcoholic or not, but the barkeep will always say that it is.
William Liquor A popular choice for drinking games! Warm yourself up with a shot of Willie-Liquor down your throat.
Cyder Mug by TJ Trewin

Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location

Cover image: Reference images via Unsplash by Edited by TJ Trewin


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Nov 27, 2020 20:39 by Sloqush

You have no idea how much I adore the fact that the entire article comes full circle, due to the barkeeper having an actual crowbar at his person :D

Author of Cenorad ; a bleak-dark sandbox of creativity.
Nov 27, 2020 20:56 by TJ Trewin

Haha thank you! I'm glad you liked it :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 27, 2020 20:59 by Ademal

In only got the pun by reading the comments, I feel derpy. Also, I can imagine the sign above the door being a big metal crowbar shape with the letters hanging from it!   This is great!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Nov 27, 2020 21:12 by TJ Trewin

Hah yep that's a given! Or maybe a big crowbar door handle?

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 27, 2020 21:07 by S.B. Steele

I want to try those drinks, though! Especially Lava Lover. The name of this place made me chuckle, I love crows, and I love the pun.

Nov 27, 2020 21:12 by TJ Trewin

Thanks!! :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 28, 2020 16:06 by J. Thorne

I didn't even know there was a prompt for this; I clicked on the article the moment I saw it in my notifications because I saw the pun in the title and *knew* this was gonna be fun! I LOVE wordplay and terrible puns!   " The Bearded Clam" = I'm *still* giggling   "Get wasted & chat up some birds" = I died!   You did not disappoint (you never do! we are one billion percent entertained!

Nov 28, 2020 22:11 by TJ Trewin

hahaha glad you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it! xD

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 28, 2020 22:26 by J. Thorne

You are an eternal joy! ^^

Nov 29, 2020 03:35 by Amy Winters-Voss

I had to read this since there is a Crow Bar here in my town. Very fun!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Nov 29, 2020 09:56 by TJ Trewin


Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 30, 2020 00:17

This article reminded me that I need to make some pubs / inns myself. Love the puns!

Dec 1, 2020 23:54 by TJ Trewin

Thanks! There can never be enough taverns in worldbuilding :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Dec 1, 2020 20:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The menacing red crowbar and The Bearded Clam made me laugh out loud. Great article!

Dec 1, 2020 23:54 by TJ Trewin

Haha thank you! :D

Journals of Yesteryear

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