Parahuman Species in 1889 | World Anvil


Parahumans are sapient homonids closely related to humans, and are divided into several distinct subgroups such as werewolves and vampires . Most parahumans possess abilities once deemed supernatural.   With the signing of the Prague Accords of 1734, all parahumans are afforded the same rights under the law as humans, though in practice this varies both by location and individual. Parahumans have integrated in all aspects and echelons of society, with mostly the same daily life concerns.   It is not unusual for parahumans to answer additionally to a local council elders that enforce the customs and traditions of their particular subgroup. Disobedience can lead to unofficial sanctions and retaliatory actions from their specific parahuman community. The level of enforcement and severity of sanctions vary from these councils by location and what is acceptable in one place may be forbidden in a different one. The decisions of these councils are often challengeable either by combat or if a significant amount of support from the local parahuman community is displayed. Particularly large settlements may have multiple competing factions in regards to councils, who may have different goals and interests at heart, which can result in violence between the members of each faction.   A new phenomenon is the appearance of human/parahuman hybrids , who possess both humans and parahuman parents.