Hybrid Species in 1889 | World Anvil


A new phenomenon is the appearance of Human/Parahuman hybrids, who possess both humans and parahuman parents and some of their qualities. As intimate encounters between humans and parahumans have increased in frequency by several orders of magnitude, the offspring of such encounters are no longer considered myth or legend. The acceptance of these hybrids vary tremendously based on a variety of factors such as location, nationality, social standing and circumstances of birth.  The most common type of hybrids are draculs and wolflings.   Different subgroups of parahumans are normally unable to produce offspring together, with the exception of human/parahuman hybrids that can have children with both members of their parentage. In addition to such births being exceptionally rare, few even survive more than a few days as they are usually sickly and deformed. Such births are also cause for great concern for parahuman groups as there are persistent legends regarding ancient abominations that brought death wherever they went and thus are considered ill-omens. It is not uncommon for such offspring to be subject to infanticide shortly after their births, even if somehow they would have survived.